The least likely essay to get an A ➕

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The line is too short..blah blah blah ugh why?

Starting from scratch, I will write my story as best as I can remember from the funeral...

You don't see me but I see you. Yes, I may be ignorant of my surroundings yet Im knowledgeable of everything else. Wisdom comes through experiencing life and admitting to yourself if you've chosen the correct path or not, the choices and their consequences, are you able to face them and what of the people that has crossed your path in life? Im not perfect and for the love of gods I hoped to be never ever to be because through my imperfections for they are many, Im me. Through life I must work my weaknesses until they become strengths and vice versa of my strengths until they become weaknesses because life needs balance, we need balance in ourselves as humans. Otherwise why do we go on? Is it society or determination of expectations we put on ourselves when we don't want to disappoint our parents, family and friends? I believe in something yet that something is vague and Im happy for it to be, the reason you ask? Well I'm a work in progress and my story ends when I end from all existence so maybe we can or not, be immortals in soul however how much we wish and for others the need to be immortal in body but to stay young forever, that has been displayed in fiction and films for decades, the desire to be more than human to fight against our own bodies from slowly decaying because that is what are our bodies are doing, we are slowly dying and I'm not okay with that. Death scares me, the way I will die one day and what is there waiting for me on the other side, if there is another side. The word I'm looking for is the unknown. So why am I being morbid or just plain being 'emotional'? I don't know, all I know is that I'm a bundle of contradictions wrapped with skew personality wanting to be fixed yet doesn't know how yet. Its crazy as hope is good but mostly we find that having hope is bad and when we don't have hope what is left then? I don't know and the ' I don't know ', I think is what keeps us going the desire to know why. Don't we all want that question answered but do we really? I mean have we ever been ready for the truth? I can surely say I'm not and will never be but when it comes and it will, I will face it and see if I survive it or not. So again I will ask you this, are you ready?

Callisandra Malficum Astare

I hope I get a damn A plus for my effort to be in this class. Not that it will matter but I hope Ms Rogers gets what I'm trying to say after all I'm just a narcissistic pubescent with others like me in a small environment waiting or wanting to grow before I escape and reign my terror on the innocent. Oh, Ms Rogers how I will miss you not. My brother the insane one, is home and being annoying as usual. He got engaged and fell in love isn't it supposed to be the other way around? Well, he never did things like us mortals that's my brother the original, hahaha haa. Fake laughter commences until I'm coughing my lungs out like a chain smoker. Ha, I miss my Granny she was no hooker and she never ever sinks for some piece of fluff story that her kids or their spouses and their kids has told her. No one liked her not even me but I loved the old hag, no one could ever say things harshly like she does. I'm sitting here on a recliner in the bathroom of all places, which is classic Uncle Fernando the Italian stallion that Aunt Becca married which Granny constantly reminded her when they visited her. She said in her raspy voice scarred by the smoking that tge only reason her most prettiest of all her girls got married because Uncle Fernando was well hung or still is, heh I don't even want to think about it. My Granny had three daughters named in alphabetical order, Anastacia, Becettrine and my mom Catherine. Well the males was worse, they were named after Greek and Egyptian Gods by my grandfather who was a mythologist. Zeus, Poseidon, Osiris and Dionysus. I never got what these Gods had to do with each other but if they were prophecies for how my uncles' lives were going to be then the names succeeded. Uncle Zeus is a cheating hound dog and has fathered a thousand kids that's what my Aunt Sarah says who is his ex-wife and not like in the myth where Zeus' wife stayed with him. She left him when she was four months pregnant with my cousin Silas, I don't know why the ugly name saga continues. Uncle Poseidon on the other hand loves the sea and is a navy captain but is unlucky in love and rich in kids as Granny uesd to say, I've got at least fifteen cousins and all of them are girls, the next that is coming hopefully will be the expected son. I sure hope so because no man should be so desperate for a pair of balls and a piece of pipe as old Aunt Agatha likes to shout when sees him. So be prepared I'm going to name all fifteen of my cousins who are all super hot and nice.

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