Stay Happy Always....

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This is first time i m writing n i m gonna do tonnes n tonnes of grammatical n spelling mistakes sorry guys in advance.....

This is very basic thing we need to understand in our life... Cuz our problem is we are actually living for others....

We dress up for others... We behave for others ...we smile for others.... We cry for others.... N this others are no one but the strangers (the people whom really dont care for us)

They Just need to gossip n forget it.... N we are constantly trying to make them Feel good..... Which they never gonna be in life from ur side.... This people have

"Problem For Every Solution "

So my personal request to u guys is that plz plz plz focus on urself n let others do whatever dey want to do in Life....
Cuz u r living for urself...

If i would dress up like this what he/she will think of me... If i would behave sincere dat he/she will consider me as a nice person.... I mean seriously grow up man.... Why he/she will think of u.... U r no one to them... They just need some entertainment in their life by judging u.... U will never make everyone think like u r good enough for them....

I strongly believe that if the observer itself is a bad person or have plenty of negative thoughts.. He/she will never gonna feel happy for u even if u r a real Gem...

" U r the Only Person Responsible For Happiness Or Sadness in Ur Life "

Never ever blame someone that they did wrong to u.... U r stupid enough to give that person that priority to hurt u.... I mean why to live for others... When u can have the option of living ur Life happily by ur ownself....

I mean even if a parent's, Friend or patner or a manter scold u don't get sad ...u have that parameter in ur mind that effect u....

My advice to u n i m trying to follow it in my way best... Is that... Let them do whatever they want to do... U r creator of ur own peacefull life

Even if u want to dress up than dress up to fill confident n energetic n to impress ur inner soul dat u r beautiful n der is not even a single thing or a person in this entire world which can make u sad for bit only....

The bestest way to stay happy is be always concerned with ur work n hang around with the people u love to spent time with.....

N even if u fail in some task... It won't matter to u....cuz eventually it make u grow much stronger in ur future life

Be the positive energy everyone would love to hang around with u.... Be the motivator for someone.... One should feel happy to have u....

N Yess Guys.... The most important thing to be happy is " Happiness Doesn't Lie in Materialistic Things "

Its The Biggest Myth Dat- i will get this person or thing den i will be happy......U will never be happy unless n untill u r free from all the myths......

Frnds I m just Requesting u -Dont Ever Burn Ur Home to impress some idiotic people

This means u have beautiful family... Invest urself in their smile... Make them happy... Always n always n must respect ur parents n do care for ur loved ones who actually care for u...

So stay Happy N Stay Strong....

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