For Hisana

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                           Night had fallen over Soul Society, darkness enveloping the abandoned streets of Seireitei and Rukongai, as two people silently entered the tea garden of the Kuchiki residence after an equally silent night time walk and sat down on the veranda where someone had already placed two cups of tea on the low table.

A gust of wind blew a silver cloud of petals from the sakura trees scattered through the garden, the stone garden lanterns illuminating them like little stars in the nightly sky. Rukia shivered a little as she watched the petals falling down, momentarily distracted from the oppressive silence between her and nii-sama, who was sitting motionless on the other side of the table. He ignored her as usual, even after his very uncommon suggestion that she accompany him on his short walk through the dark streets of Seireitei.

These were the last days which Rukia and nii-sama would spend together before she was to leave Seireitei. Soon she would return to the Living World - return to Ichigo - and nii-sama would be left all alone in the Kuchiki residence. In her heart, feelings of relief and concern struggled to get the upper hand. Rukia admitted to her herself that she wouldn't miss the strained atmosphere of the Kuchiki household, but couldn't help wondering if nii-sama would be alright. Which was odd in itself, since those thoughts had never crossed her mind on the previous occasions she had gone to the Material World. Perhaps it had something to do with her leaving for Ichigo this time as well.

Lowering her head, she let her black hair fall in her face, looking from the corner of her eyes at the cold figure next to her, his formal haori adding to his distant demeanor. His long black hair was held into place by the kenseikan, while the gentle breeze made his scarf billow softly around his shoulders. Indifferently, his anthracite eyes scanned the scenery in front of him, face impassive, an air of arrogance about him. This nii-sama was the one she had known for years, the one she'd spoken bitter words about to Renji during her imprisonment.

Still, she had come to know a warmer side of nii-sama as well, after he'd opened up to her about Hisana, his late wife and the love of his life. The older sister she had never known.

On Guillotine Hill, she had watched in blank amazement how he had taken the blow of Third Division Captain Gin's sword for her. He had saved her once more in Hueco Mundo, after allowing her to go in the first place, despite the dangers he knew she would be exposed to. In her room, she still kept the now completely tattered cloak nii-sama had given to her, treasuring the small sign of nii-sama's care for her.

This evening, however, they had shared their dinner and a walk around Seireitei in silence, and now she found herself having her evening tea in silence as well. Back to the old days, Rukia thought dejectedly, and a familiar feeling of loneliness seeped into her heart. For a moment she closed her eyes and imagined Ichigo sitting next to her, the wind playing gently through his brightly colored hair, his soft caramel eyes shining as he cast her a loving smile once in a while. His warm strength completed her world of dancing ice crystals. But still, there was something that kept pulling her towards nii-sama, even with Ichigo waiting for her.

Rukia's violet eyes narrowed as she stifled a yawn. It was time to go to bed, she felt. With a grace borne of long years of practice, she rose from her seated position, straightened her black kimono, and bowed respectfully to Byakuya.

"Nii-sama, permission to..." she began, intending to bid her nii-sama goodnight, but Byakuya bowed his head. The first movement he had made in a long while.

"Stay," he said, his deep, distant voice quiet, softening the sharp edges of his usually demanding tone.

Rukia froze mid-bow. "Nii-sama...?" she asked hesitantly, and he looked at her from the corner of his anthracite eyes.

For Hisana [Byaruki]Where stories live. Discover now