When things were happy

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So lately things have been hard , an old friend of me , hates me to the point of wanting to kill me, and honestly I wish he would so that I would be out of my misery. And then one of my Friends that lives across the globe killed themself , and now my boyfriend is also going through some crap, and I can't help with it, and I feel sick . To get to the point , I wish I could go back to the times when life was less stressful , to the times I was happy ! I have people who love me , and I have an amazing boyfriend who I love dearly , it's just the thing is I want to help people , but I just always end up hurting them , and then crap happened like my old friend who wants me to die ! I've tried apologising but he's not having any of it , he thinks I'm spouting bullshit (sorry for my language), and I just wish he could see the fact that I regret EVERY SINGLE FUCKING MISTAKE IVE MADE IN MY LIFE !!!! I regret being a fucking bitch who cheated , I regret thinking I was actually worth keeping , I regret not giving people space, I regret not having enough time , I regret not listening , I regret not seeing the fact that I can't fix everything , yeah soo , anyways moral of this ! STAY POSTIVE. Or you might end up like me

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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