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Thunderstorms were always my favorite weather.

The way they had no mercy, and the way they could terrify even the strongest of people.

Thunder was a way of the world letting out all of its pent up anger. A way for it to express itself. Almost like its yelling at us.

I would always remember the angry bowels it cast miles away into the sky. It sounded so mean, perhaps misunderstood.

Maybe the lightning was the thunders only companion.

Storms were their only way of putting on a ravenous, beautiful show for the small ones down here. We're merely the audience of the intense show that only few could truly love.

Maybe the thunder made the sky purple because he knew the lightning loved it. It was her favorite color perhaps.

And she would dance for him.

Across the sky casting gorgeous bolts of light as far as the eye could see because the thunder called her a star and that was all she wanted to be.

She wanted to be seen and heard like the stars did everynight. Alas she was stuck in the atmosphere, far from the stars.

The rain was the boy who knew. The boy who wanted everyone to know of the thunder and the lightnings story. He came down to earth because maybe he could land on someone who cared to hear the story as much as he did.

The rain also loved dancing on the surfaces of the earth, soaking into the ground to help create new life, a new story he could pass on for as long as he could the thunder and lightning.

Storms were merely the broadway worthy show, that could shake the earth to its core and create and encore only it could fathom.

Storms had a heartbeat, one that only a special could love. Someone who cared about a misunderstood man, a she who wanted to reach the stars, and a storyteller who wanted the world to know.

Someone who wasnt afraid to stand up to the man. Someone who could watch the maiden dance for hours, and be surprised each time. And someone who encouraged the boy to tell his stories. To tell him to rain all he wanted. Rain like it was his final day of telling his favorite story.

To rain because his story had meaning. And because I loved him and his stories.

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