Chapter 1

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"Oh yeah, Mr. Krabs!" SpongeBob screamed. He held out a burger in his little yellow hands. "Here's the Krabby Patty!" He spun on his heel as he handed the patty to Mr. Krabs. Spongebob danced out of the kitchen and over the the table closest to the left side of the front door. A golden-brown, round shape walked up to the glass panes of the door and flung them open.

"Yolo!" It was a sponge. "It's yo girl, Spongesusie Roundpants!"

Patrick looked over at Spongebob and pointed straight at Spongesusie. "Hey SpongeBob! She looks just like you."

Nodding, Spongebob looked her over. Indeed, they shared a resemblance. They shared the same ocean-blue eyes and golden color. The only difference between the two was Spongesusie's perfectly round pants.

"Hey, she does!" Spongebob gleefully chirped. "In fact, she's kinda cute!"

"Ssssh!" Patrick hissed into SpongeBob's nonexistent ear. "She might hear you!"

At that moment, Spongesusie began to face them. She fluttered her eyelashes and walked in their direction.

(insert dialogue here)

"Hey, here's my number." Spongesusie smirked as she handed a faded purple genetics worksheet to SpongeBob. "Recite the whole thing and I'll be right there for ya, alrighty?"

She strutted out of the building, leaving SpongeBob and Patrick alone holding the worksheet in their hands.

Bikini Bottom Meets Spongesusie Where stories live. Discover now