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"Smell the sea, and feel the sky- let your soul and spirit fly"

-Van Morrison

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For as long as I can remember, the ocean has been my home; Dad used to say the only day in my life I hadn't been at the beach was the day I was born. Coincidentally, that was also the day my mother passed away- ironically enough, she died giving me life.

Considering I had never actually known her, it isn't hard for me to talk about. Dad took it hard, at first, but he said raising a bundle of energy like me didn't give him much time to complain; or any reason to.

Growing up without her was a different matter. Whereas time healed my dad's wounds, they only opened mine wider.

Every day there was some new reminder that I didn't  have a mom. From little things like packing school lunches (my dad was, and still is under the impression that slim jim's and a juice box was an acceptable lunch), to bigger things like getting ready for prom (try going dress shopping with a guy who still thinks you're 7). All of it was a painful reminder of something I could never have.

Going to school was the only time I was away from the beach- and even there, I never could make any friends. Maybe it was because I couldn't relate to their dry, climate and Twitter controlled lives. In any event, my people skills weren't anything to take pride in (okay, I'm a total introvert- but who needs people? Most of them are stupid anyways...).

Going to college interested me, but seeing as how we barely had enough money to keep the lights on month t month... Yeah. My job at the local diner wasn't so bad.. I mean, yeah for the most part it sucked and the customers were rude; but I got an employee discount and free pie on Tuesdays, so...

But that's why I love the ocean- Dad said it was the one thing Mom loved more than anything else. And being near it, it was like I had a connection to her. Listening to the waves crash against the shore, feeling the breeze coming across the ocean and caressing my face- it was as if she were right there with me.

Everything I never had, right at my front door. It was my refuge, my escape from reality.  That's why, in nineteen years we had never moved from the tiny beachfront cottage that my parents had called home even before I was born. This place would always be our home.

Or so I thought.

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Thanks for reading! Please leave a comment and let me know what you thought! As of now, this story is going to be unedited until completed. At that point, I plan on going back and editing/re-writing a lot. Feedback will be crucial and much appreciated!

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