The Werewolf Hunt

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It was a cold, dark night and Lolita Absinthe was wandering around the graveyard. 

Why does a 21 year old girl wander around the 

graveyard at night? 

Because Lolita does what she wants and she doesn't 

care about what others think. 

She's a creep and she likes it. She sees the world in 

her own little way. 

On one night she walked into my crypt and we've 

been friends since. 

I am Lucius Valentine and I am a creature of the night or vampire if you will. 

I've been wondering the earth since 1862 and I only bite the people that harm others. 

On the night Lolita walked into my crypt, 

I was just getting ready to protect 

the innocent from being harmed. 

She caught my eye, maybe you can call it love. 

She had a smile on her face when she saw 

me get out of my coffin. 

She asked for my name and I felt I could trust her, 

so I told her my name. 

She told my her name, her date of birth and basically 

every trivial information you can tell. 

That night we went to a bar, which is occupied by other creatures of the night, and drank some beers and Bloody Mary's. I'm not a cocktail drinker, but I like the name 

of that drink. 

After a few drinks, Lolita told me she was having 

some trouble with a guy who says he's a werewolf. 

I asked her what the guy's name was, but she wouldn't 

tell me who he was. 

I told her I wouldn't harm him, but only ask him why 

he was being so annoying. 

The problem I have with people who say that they 

are a creature of the night, is that almost all of them 

are lying and I don't like that. 

Those people are giving my kind a bad name. 

After a few more drinks, Lolita told me that 

the guy's name was Rand Rendall. 

Rand is a real werewolf, so he's probably out in the streets 

tonight to get what he wants. 

Lolita asked me not to do anything, but I couldn't 

let a werewolf go around town and raise hell. 

After a few more drinks, Lolita and I left the bar. 

Because Lolita was a little bit wobbly on her feet, 

I brought her home and went back to my crypt. 

Before I got to the graveyard I got attacked. 

Since it was nearly sunrise, I ran straight for my crypt. 

I don't know who or what attacked me, but it will 

feel my wrath tomorrow. 

The next night, Lolita walked to my crypt and came in. 

I was already healed from last night's attack, 

that's one of the powers of a vampire a human needs. 

Lolita saw that I was grabbing some weapons and 

she asked me what I needed them for. 

I told her that I got attacked last night after 

I brought her home. 

She looked at me with tears in her eyes and I knew 

right away that she 'loved' me. 

I gave her a small silver revolver, with silver bullets, 

and asked her if she knew how to use it. 

She said she knew how to shoot a gun and asked me 

why I wanted to know that. 

When I told her I thought it was Rand that attacked me 

last night, she got angry and loaded the gun. 

After thirty minutes, I grabbed a long sword and 

a double-bladed axe, we left my crypt and searched 

the woods for a werewolf. 

We were in the woods for two hours, when I heard 

a wolf's howl. 

Lolita looked at me and I nodded that she heard it right. 

She asked me what we should do. 

I told her to ready the gun and shoot at the wolf 

after I attacked it with either the sword or the axe. 

If the wolf is incapacitated, she can shoot it in the heart. 

In a blink of an eye, the werewolf jumped in front of 

me and tried to attack me, but I slashed at it with my sword 

and it backed away. 

Before the wolf could reposition itself, I threw the axe at 

it and hit him in it's back. 

The wolf howled a death howl, but before it could jump 

away from the spot it was in, Lolita shot him in the chest. 

The wolf howled again and it's knees buckled from 

underneath him. 

Lolita looked at me with a blank stare, because of the shock 

she was in after shooting the gun. 

I walked up to the wolf and saw it transition into 

a human being, a man. 

Lolita looked at me again, the shock had left her body, 

and asked me what he looked like. 

When I told her what the man looked like, 

she told me that was Rand Rendall. 

She didn't cry, though, but hugged me and thanked me 

for saving her from this bully. 

A small smile formed on my face. 

I had once again saved the world from an evil, but 

this time I had some help. 

We went to the bar, drank a few drinks and I brought 

her home. 

Lolita kissed me on my cheek and said she would 

come by crypt again, tomorrow. 

I smiled as she closed the door and went back to my crypt. 

I guess from that moment on, Lolita and I were a couple.

The Adventures of Lolita Absinthe told by Lucius ValentineWhere stories live. Discover now