Less than 13 reasons why, is enough

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Less than 13 reasons why is enough

Everyday is a major struggle, getting thru school. They say it will be fun, is it just me or does the fun never seem to come near? But getting thru life is way worse.

1.)    My friends:

This goes to you for always making everything your deal. Making everything about you. For making me feel different. For not caring enough about how I felt, but wanting me to solve and advice you about your life. For leaving me out on so much. For not thinking what your words make form. For assuming. For leaving me behind. And for doing so much more of the things you didn't think might have hurt me.

2.)    Life:

This goes to you for taking away the people I loved, love the most. For always bringing me down. For not helping change things in my own life. And for being one of the most hurtful things to deal with.

3.)    Kids at school:

This goes to you for hurting me. For calling me names. For isolating me. For bullying me. For being so awful. For having a rotten heart. And for caring too much about my looks.

4.)    Crush:

This goes to you for being so rude. For caring for another person. And for making me change so much inside and outside into something I don't want anymore, into someone so horrible.

5.)    Teachers/ school staff:

This goes to you for making me feel less intelligent than other students. For only caring about my grades and pretending to care about what I feel. For not wanting to see who I am. For assuming or for thinking I am just like my siblings. And for not noticing me enough.

6.)    Parents/ siblings:

This goes to you for not caring enough. For stressing me out. For making me suffer. For wanting me to be just like you. For comparing me. For never asking me how I feel. For not letting me like what I want. For always telling me everything you do for me. For risking my life. For wanting me to do everything for you when you don't do much for me. For making me do everything by myself. For not asking if I'm ok or making me feel better when I'm down, like I do to you. For being so fucking shitty, and then nice when you need something. And for not being there enough.


For everything you do that is wrong. For making me think about death. For changing who I am, just to make you happy. For being so mean. For making me feel less. Less pretty. Less smart. Less worthy.For being so selfish. For thinking you are helpful when the truth is, you make everything way worse. And for hurting me.

They don't even bother to help anymore, or is it they never did? And I'm going to try, give life more chances, just for me, not for you, not for you, not for you, not for you, not for you, not for you, and not for you. I hope you are happy now, now that you have created a monster.

-    Anonymous

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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