What I Never Got To Tell You (An L Lawliet One-Shot)

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“Matsuda, you idiot…” you mumbled. The clumsy task force member had dropped all of the papers you completed all over the floor. Again.

“S-sorry, Enjeru!” he replied frantically.

You just shook your head as he tried to quickly pick all of the papers up off of the floor.

“It’s fine, Matsuda,” you told him. You bent down onto your knees and started picking up the papers. “I’ve got it from here.”

“A-are you sure?”

After giving him a small smile and nodding, he left you to pick up the papers. He went over and sat on one of the couches, sulking because he messed up again.

You sighed and looked at the floor. There were so many papers lying around…

“Would you like some help, Enjeru?” someone said, breaking you away from your thoughts.

You looked up in the direction of the voice and saw that it was L. He was standing with his hands in his pockets and his back slightly hunched over, as always.

“Oh, L! Um, sure if you wouldn’t mind,” you replied a little nervously. You silently cursed yourself for having a shy personality.

“Matsuda drop them again?” he asked. He bent down into his signature position and started to help pick papers up.

“Yeah…” your voice trailed off at the end as you watched him. His thin arms reaching to pick up the papers. The way his messy hair would swish slightly when he moved. How he always managed to look so adorable. “So cute…”

L stopped picking up papers and looked at you, putting his thumb to his lip. “What was that, Enjeru?”

You immediately snapped out of your daydream and busied yourself with the papers. “N-nothing! It was nothing!” Again, you mentally cursed yourself for being a shy and awkward person.

You continued clearing the floor, and, if you weren’t mistaken, you were sure you noticed L chuckling softly. ‘Oh no. Did he hear me? What if he did? What if he thinks I’m weird?’ All these questions were running through your head.

Once all of the papers were picked up, L handed you the pile he had. “Don’t worry, Enjeru. It’s not weird.” He said as he stood up and shuffled back to his chair.

It was like he read your mind! How could he have known that that was worrying you? Oh well, nothing to worry about. He doesn’t think it’s weird. Time to get back to work…


You yawned as you walked back to the room you had been given. Once inside, you glanced at the analog clock on the side table. 2:43. “We were working longer than usual tonight,” you said out loud. Somehow, though, you weren’t all that tired.

“Might as well at least try to go to sleep…”

Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. You ended up just lying in the bed and thinking. Thinking about L.

You started to think back to when the two of you were little.


You giggled. “Stop, L!”

It was a nice, sunny day at Wammy’s House and you and L were playing a game of tag. He had caught you and was now tickling your sides.

“I don’t think I can do that!” he yelled, continuing to tickle you.

Figuring you would have to fight back, you began to tickle him also. This seemed to cause a reaction, because he started to uncontrollably laugh. Eventually he rolled over onto his back and laughed until he could laugh no more.

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