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  » Evan H.

    I stared down at my desk. My eyes were red, puffy and sore. My cheeks were stained with tears as I shoved my phone aside in anger and pain. My muffled sniffles were like cries for help as I could feel myself start to tense up more and more, my breathing quickly becoming more irregular and infrequent. My lungs were getting tighter and tighter.
  I shook my head in disbelief, burying my head into my hands as more tears streamed down my face, smashing onto the desk below me. I was violently shaking, I felt like I was going to be sick. My arms were weak and my body felt like it was going to collapse. My head was spinning faster than ever.

    My phone started to vibrate. The rectangular device shook the desk slightly, gaining my attention. My breathing hitched slightly as my lip quivered. I slowly pulled my head out of my hands, and managed to rub my eyes, still as puffy and red as ever.
  My throats felt hoarse, as if I wasn't going to be able to pick up the phone call. My blue orbs slowly looked down towards the device, which was now lighting up my light blue room. I took one gaze at the contact name and a faint smile appeared on my face for a split second, however, as quickly as it came, it was gone again.

I knew I had to pick the phone up. I couldn't just lock myself away for days on end— perhaps even months. I didn't want to move. A feeling of numbness washed over me. She's gone. Gone for good, dead.
I shook my head, desperately trying to get the thoughts that followed out of my mind. I was distraught, maybe even more than that. A complete wreck, all for a girl that I thought I knew oh so well. I slowly wiped my eyes once more before sliding across my phone, accepting the call, and hesitantly putting the device on loud speaker— I was home alone anyway, so it wouldn't matter.

"Evan." The voice spoke out, "Evan, are you okay?" A slight hint of concern came from the boy's otherwise cold words. I slumped back into my hard, freezing desk chair, mumbling something.

"I don't know J-Jared. She's gone..." My voice was shaky, as if I was about to burst out crying again. I felt weak, as if I was going to pass out at any moment, "It was just s-so sudden..."

"I know." Jared stated coldly, "I know it was. Too sudden with no explanation."

I could tell that Jared was upset by all of this, just as much as I was. He would act cold, tough and careless at school. But he was far from any of that. You could tell if he was upset. His body language and tone of voice was just about enough to tell you something's bothering him.
Me, on the other hand. It's very easy to tell if something's wrong. I'll cut myself off from everybody— everything. I'll skip classes. I'll cry all night. I was the weak one.

"Evan? Earth to Evan, do you copy?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts to hear Jared, asking if I was still there, if I was okay even. I shook my head and leant against my desk, my head in my hands, tears threatening to spill just like the many times they had done before. But tears don't scare me anymore.

"Yes, Jared. I-I'm here." I stuttered out in a panic, "Repeat what you were s-saying, please?" I smiled slightly at my own awkwardness and the fact that I was stuttering once more.

"I was saying that you're still coming to school tomorrow, right? I'll happily drive you there if you want." Jared paused, not even waiting for an answer, "It's a tough time, Evan. Don't go through it alone, alright? Get some rest. You need it, big guy." Jared sounded much happier now, as if he was trying to be as positive as he possibly could be at the time.

"Alright... good night, Jared." I softly smiled, hanging up on the brunette boy. A faint sigh pushed it's way out of my mouth as I slumped back into my chair, mumbling all of my thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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