Chapter 1:

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Your name (Y/N)'s Point of View

Rain drops patter almost silently on your bedroom window. The gentle sound soothes the waves in the air like how the waves flow on the ocean's surface, allowing you to fall into a deep and relaxing slumber.
It's not long until the peaceful sensation is ruined by the high pitched noise of police sirens and cars screeching around corners of the city. Your eyes open suddenly to the piercing eruptions, disturbing your sleep. You squint your eyes to the dreadful noises until they finally fade the further away they get from your home. The tension in your face relaxes, and you lie there wondering to yourself.
'What could possibly be going on in the streets of Gotham now?'

Jerome's POV

Jerome hysterically laughs as he spins the steering wheel of his car around sharp corners of the streets, avoiding the police and getting them lost.

"You'll never catch me!" He shouts out the window and then laughs to himself again.

Bringing his attention back onto the road, he realises the police have lined up their trucks to block the road ahead. Jerome smirks and abruptly swings his car left down a short street.

"Whoopsieee," he says cheerfully as he runs a few pedestrians over. "We're going around in circles!"
"Give it up Jerome," Jim speaks through a megaphone.

Jerome looks in his wind mirror and sees no police cars behind him. Confused, he steps on the accelerator harder, feeding his car with more power.

"Jerome!" Jim says again. "Give the town it's money back."
"Never hahahaha," Jerome gives his signature laugh, throwing his head back on the drivers seat.
Noticing a flying vehicle above his car through the top window, Jerome pulls a devilish smile.
"You think you can out-run a helicopter?" Jim asks sarcastically.
"No," Jerome says to himself, knowing that Jim can't hear him. "Let's not run at all."

He stamps on the car's breaks, forcefully stopping his speeding vehicle which falls far behind the flying helicopter. Jim keeps his eyes intact with Jerome's car, swinging his finger around in circles to indicate the helicopter pilot to turn around. "Back it up!"
Jerome presses his foot down rigidly on the accelerator, but in reverse. His car sped backwards down the street and whirled back around the corner. He looked out his window at the helicopter which had trouble turning around so quickly, and then checked his wind mirror.

"Damn it," Jerome muttered to himself. "The police are still blocking off that end of the road."

His eyes focused on the road in front of him and saw that three or more police cars have also blocked that end of the road. Jerome was stuck in the middle of a police force who were all after him.

"Jerome there is no where for you to go," Jim speaks again through the megaphone.
"Guess we're just gonna have to see if I can make it," Jerome says with enthusiasm. "This is gonna be fun!"

Jerome puts full pressure onto the accelerator and speeds off forwards, leaving a cloud of smoke from the burnt tires behind. Dissoluteness laughter blurts out of Jerome's mouth as he rams his car straight into the police vehicles blocking the road. The people of Gotham streets huddle around the crash either wanting to get in on the action or wanting to see if the big all mighty Mr. Jerome Valeska is finally dead. Some have their phones out taking pictures and/or filming the tableau.
Jim uses his binoculars to get a closer look from the helicopter that is hovering above the scene. All Jim can see are puffs of black smoke rising from the damaged cars and flashes from the phones of the townspeople taking pictures. Jim lowers the binoculars away from his eyes and rubs his two fingers frustratingly between his brows. 'What am I going to do now?'
*Three gun shots are suddenly heard.*
Jim quickly pulls the binoculars back up to his eyes and looks around the area. Jerome is nowhere to be seen, but cops are falling like flies!

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