Kitten (Gampeta)

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WARNING!! This one-shot contains rape/abuse!

But people sexualize sober Gamzee this way all the time so I doubt anyone will care...

Whoops? #tw #tw #tw #IAmNotKankri #tw


Nepeta ran up the stairs as fast as her little legs would take her. After she'd watched Gamzee kill her beloved moirail, Equius, she'd made an attempt to attack the sober lunatic. She'd been able to leave a few scratches on his face, and even though he was able to break her wrist, she still somehow managed to escape.

The young troll knew in her heart there was no possible way she could defeat Gamzee, though that didn't mean she could just stand by and do nothing. She had to avenge Equius and warn the others before it was too late. As her foot pressed down on the first step of the last staircase, she stopped, hearing something in the distance.


The haunting wheeze of an old horn echoed up the stairwell and Nepeta broke out into a cold sweat. She knew the sound could only mean one thing. She tried to make a run up the stairs but it was useless. Before she could get up even one more step, a forceful hand gabbed her jacket from behind, yanking her slight frame back and slamming her against the wall. Nepeta cried out in pain as a familiar raspy voice whispered in her ear. "did you REALLY think that you could escape ME?"

Nepeta, despite being injured, was filled with rage. "You'll never get away with this, Gamz33! I won't let you! Not afurr what you did to Equi- AAGH!" She screamed as Gamzee took hold of her broken wrist, holding it up so he could remove the clawed-glove from Nepeta's hand. He did this with her other hand too, throwing both gloves aside.

"oh? and how EXACTLY do you plan on avenging that PATHETIC EXCUSE FOR A MOIRAIL without those, hm?" Gamzee asks, cocking his head. Rich purple blood dripped down his face from the scratches Nepeta had left earlier, smearing into his white face paint and drying a diluted lilac.

Olive tears sprang to Nepeta's eyes as she realized her life was coming to a close. It was all ending so quickly. Without avenging Equius, without meeting Jaspurrs, without telling Karkitty how she really felt... All these regrets and more flashed through Nepeta's mind as green tears dripped from her face and onto Gamzee's hands.

Gamzee smiled maniacally. "look, little kitten, i'm feeling quite GENEROUS at the moment. how about we play a GAME?"

Nepeta gazed upon his wicked smile with wide, frightened, eyes. "A g-game?" She stuttered.

"a game..." The clown spoke calmly, "if you play along and FOLLOW THE RULES, i'll let you go. you can come after me, try to KILL ME, do WHATEVER YOU WANT afterwards. BUT if you don't play along, I'LL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE AND NOW."

Nepeta nodded furiously, seeing this as the only way she'd be able to end up saving her friends. "I'll play! I'll do whatever you say, Gamz33, I pawmise!"

Gamzee's smile grew wider as he took a step back from the smaller troll. "strip." Was all he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Nepeta's eyes widened in shock. "W-wha-"

"STRIP." Gamzee said, louder this time.

Nepeta, after a brief moment of shocked stillness, reluctantly shed her coat. The olive green material fell to the floor and she began to take off her shirt. As she did this, Gamzee reached for her. He grabbed her hat, pulling the blue yarn over her horns and putting it on his own head. With her one good hand shaking nervously, she dropped her shirt. She leaned down, taking her shoes off. As she went to go unbutton her pants, she stopped. "what are you waiting for LOWBLOOD?" Gamzee demanded.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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