Glory be thy name

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The world is split into two sides, good and evil. God and Satan. God is the symbol for pure and good, while Satan or Lucifer is the symbol for the evil. But in reality they play both sides. They are players of a big game and we are pawns under their control. We free roam any place we want to but they decide on what happens to our souls.

I am what you call the Angel of Death. I bring the soul to the middle before crossing over but they are the two who decides the fate, depending on their actions. I have seen many deaths and I haven't felt any remorse towards them. I was only doing my job as a neutral. Until that fateful day, when I met Claudia.

My assignment was to watch over Claudia because it was her time to die. She was a twenty-one year old fun-loving art teacher who always helped people who were in need. She never turned down an offer to help. She was like an angel herself, only without the wings of course and the immortality. She was earth's angel.

I really didn't know why she was going to die or how. The superiors just point and tell me the time of death, that's when I'm suppose to take them. For some reason, as the days seemed to stretch I got to know Claudia. Which an Angel of Death is never suppose to do. I started to get feelings for her. Another thing I wasn't suppose to do.

I flew above her and walked with her through everything. Then things started to change. What is happening today will change what will happen tomorrow.

Claudia walked to her job, humming a happy tune. She was carrying her briefcase full of today's art class work and homework. She was happy with the assignment she was going to give to her class. The kids were going to try to draw their most favorite thing in the world. She spent many hours last night drawing her example that I couldn't see, no matter what angle I went in. It was driving me crazy, not knowing what it is and I'm an Angel for God's sake. I'm suppose to know almost everything.

We arrived at the school and headed towards her classroom. We arrived a half an hour early. She hummed a different tune as she laid out the art supplies on the desks. I tried to look in the briefcase to get a quick glimpse of the picture. My concentration broke away from the picture and to the door, where I saw the principal standing there. Claudia didn't notice him yet. He tugged at the collar of his shirt and opened the door. Claudia greeted the principal with a smile before she put down the art supplies. She made her way up to the principal, who got more worried by the second. Right then and there, I knew something wasn't good.

"What?" Was all Claudia said as she sank to the ground, crying. Tears dropped like raindrops onto the tiled floor. Seeing her like this made me angry.

"I'm sorry Claudia. There was a budget cut and the Board thought it was best to get rid of art because it wasn't a primary class to graduate." He started to leave. He stopped at the door frame and looked back at Claudia. "I'm real sorry." Then he left. Leaving Claudia alone, crushed and heartbroken. Art was her life, she worked all her life to get where was today and it was slammed back into her face. After crying for twenty minutes, she grabbed her briefcase tightly and left the classroom, making her way down the empty halls. Not hearing anything but silence.

I wanted to comfort her, to tell her that things might change. But I couldn't touch her because the touch of an Angel of Death means instant death. It wasn't a proud gift I have. I always wanted to be a Guardian Angel but God decided what my role was going to be and with my powers I was automatically assigned to a Death Angel. I punched a hole through a window, trying to control my anger. Claudia jumped back as the glass fell to the ground. She stared at the window, trying to see what made the window break. She couldn't see anyone, not even me. Every Angel is surrounded by something that makes everything unable to see us until death. She started to worry. I made my hand into a fist, blood flowing through the newly made cuts. I swore underneath my breath. She looked once more before she broke into a run. I took to the skies to follow her.

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