The Humble Beginnings

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      She wants to dance like Uma Thurman and bury me until I confe-     You slammed your hand on the phone alarm as your favorite song stopped playing. You slowly removed your hand from the screen making sure that you didn't crack it.

'Oh my gosh my anxiety levels almost went over my head!'
               You whispered to yourself as you saw that the screen wasn't cracked nor dented. You checked the time, it was now 9:12 A.M. And that's the perfect  time for Starbucks™. You pulled on some skinny jeans with a {fave band} hoodie and did all the other morning nessesities. Soon enough you walked out the door into the cold bitter town that you call your home, well, not really but, you get what  I mean. *cough* sarcasm *cough*

=====   time skip     ========
=bought to you by kira's potato chips=

               ~ at Starbucks ~
  You sat down with your hot chocolate in one hand and your phone in the other,  listening to music with the earbuds that your mom got you for your birthday last year. all was going well when some one bumped into you.

              The sudden movement cause your earbuds to become unplugged (cringe) which caused I Write Sins Not Tradgities  to blare  at full volume in the middle of Starbucks, at 9:45 in the morning. Wowie.

         The whole population of Starbucks turned to face you while you frantically tried to pause the emo music at full volume. But, one staring man, or boy, you weren't that sure, seemed to stick out like a sore thumb. He wore all white clothes except for some pale brown socks. He had white hair and a snow white complextion. You two locked eyes for a second. Next thing you knew, he was standing right in front of you with a bored expression on his face. 'Is there something you wanted to ask?' You said in a somewhat annoyed tone. '

I wish to enquir about your whereabouts on Wednesday night.' He replied in a cold, monotone voice, it sent shivers up your spine.

         'Um... I was visiting my younger brother Light Yagami.' You replied, a little bit of fear in your voice. He inched closed to my face. When he was an inch away we locked eyes.

       'You'll be very helpful to this investigation Miss (Last name).'

'Your welcome, but, how do you know my na-'

         'never mind that...',he cut you off, 'just, follow me.'     the mysterious boy said as you both stepped into a long, black, expensive looking car._



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