Letter To My 13 Year-Old Self

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Four years ago, my life was drastically different than it is today. Everything that has happened to me since, has impacted who I am and where I am now. Although I have no regrets, I wish I had known some things that I know now that I would have found useful.

Dear thirteen year-old me,

You know how you think high school is the biggest thing ever that's going to determine your life, well it's actually not. You're going to make some great decisions, but you have to listen to the people that are around you; they will guide you to paths that you never thought that you would take. Just promise me that you won't stress as much, it will affect your health, and time will eventually catch up with you. I know that it's hard at times and the world seems like it's caving in on you, but it's not; all of your feelings of loss, despair, and even sometime hopelessness will end.

It's hard, you've just been diagnosed with ADHD and you think that it's the end of the world; well let me tell you it's not. Your ADHD will be one of your best qualities. You will think outside of the box, learn that you can use distractions to your advantage, and see that there are strengths to what you currently see as faults. Never let others tell you that you're worthless, that you'll never amount to anything, or let them tell you that you are using your ADHD as an excuse; they will never understand, but that doesn't mean that they don't care, there is a difference.

You think that everything in your life is falling apart, it's not. Your friends are just assholes who want to screw with your life, but you have to remember that friends come and go. You will make mistakes, you will feel afraid, and feel so alone, but you're not. It takes a while before you'll understand that there are people who care for you, who know what you're going through; you just have to take the time to let them into your life.

Don't rush into dating. It sounds silly for me to be mentioning this but you are seriously way to young to be dating. You will rush into things and make stupid choices.


Your Future Self

P.S. You know that haircut that you really badly want, the one with the side bangs? Trust me, you don't want to get them. Just because all the other girls at school are doing it, doesn't mean that you have to.    

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