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My name is Karmezino Heliotropo Negero of Earth dimension C-137

January 13th 2000, an albino woman was being rushed through the halls of the hospital, breathing heavily. "Just try to breathe Mrs Negero. We're almost there" One of the nurses said as she slammed opened the door.

About half an hour later the nurse came back out of the room. "Mr Negero, she's ready for you" She smiled. A blond haired man came into the room, with a worried expression. "Elise?" He questioned as he slowly walked into the room "Over here Al" Elise replied softly. "Say hello to our new daughter." She said quietly. An albino baby cooed happily, when she opened her eyes. "Hello there young one" He smiled. "Would you like to hold her?" Elise offered. "Gladly." Al responded. "What should we call her?" Elise asked. "Blanka Beleco..." Elise glared at him "Alejandro... Think of an actual name" Alejandro smiled awkwardly. "How about..." He paused to think. "Karmezino Latoya?" He suggested. Elise smiled. "Sounds perfect." She agreed. "Welcome to the world little Karmezino" She smiled.

-About a week later-

"Phoenix, son! Come meet your new sister!" Alejandro called, into the house. "I told you! I don't want a sister!" A young male voice called back. "Phoenix Hugo, come meet your new sister NOW!" Elise yelled. Just then a red haired boy popped his head around the corner, his green eyes widening. "Is this it, I was expecting someone cooler" Phoenix complained. "Now, now Pyro, it's only a matter of time before she will get you back with the same snark that you use" Alejandro smirked. Pyro rolled his eyes before toddling back into the living room.

-Later that night-

"Do you think that people well bully her for being an albino, like they did when I attended school?" Elise asked. Alejandro tried to comfort his panicking wife. "Calm down Elise, we have a few years before we have to worry about any of that, and besides, if she is anything like a certain other albino I know, she will be fine" Alejandro knew that Elise was prone to panic attacks especially about future events, but if he stayed calm, her empathic abilities would also calm her down. Alejandro wasn't sure if Elise was aware that she was an Empath but he could very clearly see it in her, and this only made him wonder if either of his children were or would be empaths.

-The next morning-

"Phoneix! Time to get up! You need to get ready for school!" Alejandro called from downstairs. The red head thumped down the staircase with his suitcase in hand and his backpack on his back. "Coming!" He called back. "Have a great year sweetie, be sure to tell us absolutely everything in your letters." Elise said as she hugged her son. "Have fun son. Be sure to write every single day!" Pyro's father reminded him just before he jumped on the bus "I will! I love you! See you soon!" Pyro called back.

After Pyro left, Elise took Karmezino from her crib to her high chair in the kitchen "Here comes the train, chugga, chugga, chugga, toot, toot!" She smiled as she attempted to get the food into the younger albino's mouth. Her husband's voice called from the living room "That is not what trains sound like and you know it!" Elise rolled her eyes. "Don't you listen to mister grumpy over there Karmezino, he doesn't understand the workings of a baby's mind like I do." Elise cooed, Karmezino squeed. "And you don't have five different majors in robotics or engineering, like I do, your point being?" Alejandro walked through the door to the kitchen wiping oil off his hands and onto a very dirty rag that was stained with oil.

"Oh good, now that you're in here, I need to tell you it's your turn to watch over Karmezino today, I will make sure that she is fed and then I am going to bed, wake me up when the sun has gone to sleep." Elise stated, before shifting her attention back to the squirming albino, who was trying to push herself out of her highchair.

Entry #1
My mother not only specialised in psychology and astrology, but also chemistry, I have to wonder why, just why I'm into science, especially when both my parents were scientists. Hmm... Well to be fair they always worked hard to keep us afloat and they absolutely adored their work, so it wasn't such a hard task for them to do. I miss them every day, but then here I am also wondering how contradictory that a Latina is pale skinned, it just seems so fascinating, then again, I'm not a geneticist, so what can I say? I try my hardest to keep up and maintain all my knowledge that I gained from them and their notes, it's not always easy. I loved them both with all my heart.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2022 ⏰

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