Prologue: Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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Crrrrr...! urgh I really should not be such a glutton, now I am reaping my just rewards for over indulgence. Never again will I allow myself to be dared into crashing a party, especially one with an all you can eat buffet. I knew there had to be a reason people were avoiding the potato salad. 'Oh man that doesn't sound good', my friend Ryan said. He can barely keep a straight face, he's enjoying my suffering way too much. I clutch my stomach and glare at him while simultaneously searching for a sign anywhere on the street we're on for a public toilet. Unfortunately for me we were in a street lined with warehouses and factories.


Don't crap your pants man, look over there', he pointed down the street to a guard house that had a light on and someone's shadow moving around in it. 'I'm sure we can talk to whoever's there and emphasise your need for immediate bowel evacuation, they'll definitely let you use the can when they see the face you're making, hahaaa!'

I am so desperate to get some relief, I don't even make an effort to respond to his obvious enjoyment of my distress. I make a beeline for the guardhouse about two hundred metres down the street, Ryan laughs out loud at my attempt to both make haste whilst taking care not to lose the battle I'm so valiantly trying to win over my clenching bowels.

With no small amount of struggling I make it to the guardhouse without fouling up my new Boss jeans, Ryan following a few steps behind me snapping pictures on his smart phone or was it a video the idiot might just post it on YouTube. We call out a few times and plead for whoever's in the guardhouse to come out, after a few minutes an elderly man in a guard uniform comes out and looks at us then goes back inside and comes out with a taser in one hand and the leash of rottweiler the size of a calf. Ryan immediately stopped hollering and backed away, I just cursed my luck as I seemed to have found another reason to soil myself.

'What's all the noise about, this is private property you hooligans', the  guard asked as he stopped about twenty metres from the gate, ' I don't want no trouble, so you better get on outta here before I let old Julie here loose she ain't played with her chew toy all day'. As he said that he loosened his grip on the leash a little and Julie promptly snarled and lunged forward intent on using what little slack there was on the leash to get closer to us so called 'chew toys'. 

The taser would have sent me promptly on my way in the the opposite direction on any other day, and Julie would have sent me running away, screaming with soiled pants and awful nightmares in my future. But today, at this point in time I was focused on one thing alone: gaining access to the technological marvel that we call a toilet and the lovely accessory called tissue paper that is usually therein.

I raised both my hands in a peaceful gesture trying to placate both the old guard and Julie, 'Sorry to be a nuisance sir but we have a slight problem, could we please use your lavatory quick we ain't feeling so good, and this place is the only one on the street that looks occupied'.

At that moment Ryan who had somehow made it at least fifty metres down the road in the short space of time I had spoken yelled out, 'Speak for yourself G I'm cool, don't need the loo'. Simultaneously some of my discomfort chose that moment to be audible and state it's case.

I grimaced and held on to the other stuff that wanted to exit my bowels, Ryan let out a bark of laughter, the old guard raised an eyebrow and chuckled and Julie snorted and shook her head while not looking like she wanted to get at me as badly as before, I seemed to have offended her delicate senses. 'Look sir please if you would, just five minutes I'll be in and out gone before you know-'. The raised hand of the old guard halted my little speech, 'Okay okay I can see that you are desperate but only you can go inside, the other kid stays out, you're gonna have to use the one at the back of the building because mine ain't working right for what you need to do', as he said this he pressed the button on a remote he had in his pocket opening the gate for me.

I speed-shuffled my way inside and keeping a good distance between myself and Julie I headed the way the old guard pointed as he said, 'Down that way last small door on your left, you'll see the lavatory signs as soon as you're inside, I'm gonna search you when you come out so make sure not to take anything that don't belong to you, I'll give you ten minutes then I'm letting Julie off her leash'.

I nodded  my head vigorously as I hurried along where I'd been directed , when I got there I opened the door stepped inside and immediately saw the men's sign down a ways to my right. There was a strange smell in the air that immediately hit me as I walked down the corridor, I didn't pay much attention to though as I had other more pressing issues. Little did I know I should have paid more attention to that smell.

I rushed over to the men's room got in chose the closest cubicle, finding it non too clean I went to the next one which unfortunately didn't have toilet paper. So I went on to the next one and finally got what I'd been needing for the past hour and a half, a nice clean place to perform the age old art of relieving oneself that had toilet paper. And I let loose, I won't give you any further details except to say that my own efforts blotted out that smell from before that I had ignored which lead to the beginning of my tale or more precisely the end of my first chapter and the the beginning of my second.

Seven minutes later I'm done and feeling a few pounds lighter. I wash up and make myself more presentable, knowing Ryan I am likely to end up passing out parties at one one of his college buddies. I look around and see that there are no disposable hand towels, instead there's an old hand drier. As I walk over to it where it hangs just beside the door,  the smell from before hits me and this time its stronger than before, as I ponder the familiarity of it I reach out and wave my hand under the drier and as it switches on I realise what that smell is and only then do I realise my mistake as the small spark in the motor of the drier ignites the gas saturating the air.

All I feel is a brief moment of intense heat then darkness. They say when you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, I never got the chance to so I can neither disprove or support that claim. All I saw was darkness then, I saw a light. It got brighter with time, I say this for sure, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Eventually the light got so bright I engulfed both me and the darkness....


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