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What is Oppai truly?

Is it the nip? Once it is covered the rest of mammary is not blurred. Why is it, that Mystique and that bitch from Ghost Recon, are not blurred. Mystique wears no clothing, is she a nipple? The bumpiness of her skin then makes sense, or is she censored?

Is it the milk sac?

Why is it that we eat the frozen and flavored cow-paste, and not the human paste? Hmm? Why do we suck on the nip? We are not getting milk, unless the boob is pregnant, then you're nasty. You slut.

Is it the simple appearance of the flesh there?

Formed to fit into a hand, or two, or three (if you're into that). I am really stuck to the nipple.

Is it the malleability?

Firm, yet squishy and soft, much like the dicks we all love so much.

Oppai, are truly a mystery.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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