First Sight

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Karissa watched as Alison Covington held the infant in her arms. His little cheeks puffing in and out as he suckled on the bottle in her delicate hand. Karissa's breasts were still sore from the milking she had to endure since her son was ripped from her body and stolen away. He was so small, so innocent. It was hard to comprehend that one day he would grow up to be a monster. If Mrs. Covington had her way he would be terrorizing his own handmaidens by the time he was sixteen.

Karissa's stomach turned at the sight, while tears of longing pricked her eyes.

"What are you doing?" A hand circled her arm to spin her away from the view of her son. "The Captain wants you in his chambers," Randolph said in his gravelly voice.

She was the Captain's favorite, he spent more time with her than any other handmaiden. She used to think that meant something, that he actually cared for her, but she hadn't seen him since her baby was born. Now she knew where she stood.

"I'm not ready. I'm still sore," Karissa pleaded. It wasn't entirely a lie. Her body was healed from the birth, but her heart ached. She couldn't do it again. Feel the life grow inside her, press her hand over a swollen belly while the precious little one kicked, only to have another child ripped away.

Randolph didn't listen to her plea, his grip tightened as he marched her down the hall and up another flight of stairs to the chambers the Captain had set aside for his time with his handmaidens.

"Wait here," Randolph barked, shoving her into the room and closing the door. The bed was neatly made and a snack was set on a small table in the corner.

She ran to the window to look upon her son, but the courtyard was now empty. She felt like she lost him all over again having no idea when or if she would ever again get to lay eyes on him.

"Karissa," Jasper called softly from the door. There was a buoyant joy in his voice that stabbed into her like a frozen spike. She didn't turn at his call, she would never willingly respond to him again. "Don't be like this. Look at what I've brought you."

She balled her hands into tight fists keeping her back to him.

"Won't you even look at your son?"

She turned shocked by his words to find an angel soft face peeking out of a silk lined blanket, wide chocolate eyes staring up at her. Her heart lurched in her chest as her throat burned with the pain of tears.

"This is my son," she whispered.

"Our son," he placed the baby in her arms. For the first time she held her child- their child. Jasper kissed the top of her head and encircled them both in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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