Part 1

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Once upon a time in SPN world

The fight was intense the hunter team was losing, even the fact that they were 8 and the nest only had four vamps, couldn't help them, the enemy was a different breed, they didnt seem like regular vamps. They were stronger, faster, more aggressive and the Deadmans blood didnt have the desire effect, it just made them angrier, they were double teaming each of the vamps but Michael lost the grip of his bowie knife and the vamp took advantage of this and bitt him in the jugular Dyane lost it as soon as she saw his brother blood run through his chest, the vampire tore in to her with claws and fangs, as Dexter flew over them after being tossed by another monster, cracking his head on the wall dying instantly leaving Ben alone in the fight, punching and stabbing it until the monsters sings of life ended, in the other side of the room Krissy and Rosy fought fiercely with another monster who got a lucky shot at Rosy and tore her face off, leaving Krissy vulnerable to the monsters strength but as she anticipaded the monsters claws descend into her, she saw his head rolled down the side of his lifeless body reviling Ben standing behind the body with his machete in hand; Aiden and Josephine where wrestling with the biggest of the group but with a swift move he threw them across the room, Ben turn and jumped on top of the big monster leaving his machete stuck in the monsters body, the other monster grabbed Ben and struck his shoulder dropping him in to the ground took hold of his friend and fled. They lost four of their teammates and kill two Vamps the other two manage to escape, it was a terrible hit to the new hunter elite, even the new members couldnt help in defeating these monsters, Victor Rogers Hunter Elite team had grown to 8 members and now it was down to four, Krissy Chambers, Aiden "just Aiden", Josephine Barnes and Ben Braeden.

The Team

The team continued to recruit led by Krissy, now a 21 year old who managed to get herself and her friends to college, where she found other especial youngsters, who had an interest in the occult, fallowing on Victors idea of forming an elite army, to fight against monsters, she made a poster that had a pentagram and a simple message: if you know what salt, iron and silver are used for call 555-677783, this poster brought 5 new recruits, Michael, Dyane, Rosy, Dexter and Ben, they all had a brush with the supernatural except Ben (as far as he knew) he only was Dexters best friend, Michael and Dyane where brother and sister, their mother was slain by a werewolf when they were kids, Rosy was touched by a shtriga who took her little sister, and Dexter whose father had been possessed by a demon and killed his mother, Ben at first was disdain by the other trainees because he had no experience of the supernatural but when they faced their first case Ben turned out to be a natural hunter he fought fearlessly, he used his training like a pro, he became rapidly the most skilled and powerful hunter of the group, resourceful, quick on his feet, strong and yet the youngest member of the club; Krissy led this team trough 10 cases in the last year, she believed that their strict training and young age would make them better hunters in the long run, she based the recruiting in Victors belief that strong body, quick mind and a reliable lore and data base, would make them invincible, they use technology to their advantage, creating a special web page that could be access by other hunters and a hot line were people could ask for help in the supernatural area and this is how they come by the cases, this time a group of mountain bikers from the university got lost in the nearby forest and ended up being vampire food.

The Hunter Elite returned to the house, defeated and sad, lucky for being alive and sad for their loss, they gave their friends a hunters farewell burning their bodies, and collecting their journals (they all had to have one) Krissy wrote in them the date and way of their passing so the new generation of hunters would be better prepared. She had lost members before, 3 in total, since they continued with the army idea 3 years ago, but never more than one at a time, this four-member loss was very tragic, and the case wasnt finished yet, she hated the idea that she wasnt strong enough and that there were things she stilled ignored, she needed help and the only people she could trust that knew more than her of this business was the Winchesters.

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