A Boy snd A Clown

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"Even as a demon, you're still a pathetic little child, Henry. But this time," Gabriel grabbed Henry's jaw and shoulder, angling him witch his knee "When you die, there won't be anyone waiting for your pathetic, worthless, heathen soul." Mixxie ran for Gabriel, hammer raised as anger tore across his face tears already in his eyes. Henry looked st Mixxie with pleading in his eyes, fear growing as he knew he couldn't escape this time. "Mixxie!" Henry cried, reaching out for the mime with one hand. As his hand rose, Gabriel twisted his head sharply to side with a bone breaking crunch. And as his limp form hit the ground, his fingers still reached out for the widowed Mime. A deep, mutilated scream rang throughout the cavern as Mixxie collided with Gabriel, tackling him as Mixxie pulled out dozens upon dozens of pins. Without pause he drove them down straight into Gabriel's face, piercing his eyes and cheeks horrifically. Gabriel cried out in agony as Mixxie stood up, towering over the blinded Vatican.

Hades, from his perch nearby, smiled sadly to himself as he quoted "and so it was born; one to hear no evil, one to speak no evil, and one to see no evil; each shall undo the other, until one must be left mourning." Syn stirred her tea "I see your predictions are never wrong, my old friend." Hades ignored the fear caught in his eye as he watched the fight. "With a heavy heart, I believe you are right, my dear."

Mixxie watched Gabriel twist in agony, clutching at his face. Holding a hand over Gabriel, Mixxie made the pins twist in place before using them to force Gabriel to his feet. Seething through his teeth, Mixxie stared into the bloody stumps of Gabriel's eyes with an anger that made even Hades readjust his seat in discomfort. "Mixxie!" Hades called down to his Allie. "You murdered seven men early in life... I do not wish to see you dirty your hands by making him your eighth." Still seething, Mixxie took control of Gabriel's hoodoo pins once again and used them to launch him far into the distance, causing his scream to trail as he flew. Turning, Mixxie fell to his knees by Henry's side, sliding his fingers in between the fingers of the statue that now laid by his feet. "Hewy..." Mixxie mumbled, his missing tongue unable to form the name as he called out for his husband. "Hewy.... pwease.... no..." the colour drained from Mixxie's hair and face, and the grey of his clothes quickly changed to a solid black.

Syn turned to Hades in curiosity "What's happening to him?" "What's happens to every clown when they loose someone... when the laughter dies, do dies the clown.... Henry was his laughter, if not his whole world." Syn nodded "That Gabriel is smart." Hades scowled at the remark. "How so?" "Do you not see? In just one act he has not only succesfullly killed one demon..." she stared down at the monochrome Mixxie, wailing next to his liver's fossilised form "He has murdered his husband as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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