Infinity Stick

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Name: Infinity Angeles

Name: Infinity Angeles

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Nickname: Trinity.

Age: 15 yrs. old

D/O/B: June 25, 2002

Class: Ranger (If you don't know what that is, it's someone who uses guns and a bow)

Weapon: Angel's arrow. (A bow) Two magma pistols.

Look like: White with blue outline. Eyes are blue, hair is white and short.

Likes: Everything!

Dislikes: Nothing!

Pet: Anhel (From Avabel, it's a butterfly that gives you more SP)

Sexuality: None

Height: 5.3

Weight: Light.

Family: Her younger sister, Yupia (Not X-treme's RHG!)

Friends: People on the country side, hunters, RHGs, Hyun's Dojo, you? (maybe), and the Slush Defenders.


Me: *Presses start*

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