I fell

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In an unknown place, in one room, Trixy woke up on a seat. She touched her face as she sat up.

"Where am I?" She asked herself. "Did I fall?" "Well look at who's awake" A girly voice echoed. "Who's their? Don't hurt me!!" She said scared.

A boy walked out of the shadows, but he was masked with a black hoodie. Trixy backed away from him and grabbed a huge stick she found lying on the floor. She pointed it to him, threateningly. Due to her attention on him, she tripped and landed on the floor. He walked closer to her, she tried reaching her stick, but it was out of reach. She kept backing away from until she was cornered. She covered her eyes with her hands, knowing she was going to be hurt, but instead, the boy pulled her up and patted her head.

"Who are you?" She asked. He didn't respond. She asked again. "Who are you?!" He didn't respond and walked away. She raced after him. "Wait for me!" She shouted as she ran after him.

She arrived to see him sit on the seat she slept on and open a book. By his side was a piano. Does this guy play the piano? Trixy wondered around and touched the piano. By the looks on how it was made, it was silver. Trixy looked at the boy, and he suddenly started playing the piano. The music was amazing. She ran to his side.

"Can you teach me to play?!" She asked. He didn't respond. But he gave her his book. "What do I do with it?" She asked. He didn't respond but he pointed to the piano tiles. "Aren't you going to teach me first?!" She asked, angrily. He shook his head and placed her hands on the tiles. "I'll try ok." She whispered, nervously.

She began to read the notes and he shook his head and grabbed the book and placed back on the piano. Trixy, infuriated, ran to his side.

"Who are you!?" She asked. He didn't respond and turned his back on her. "Fine, I'll ask a different question." She said. "How did I get here?" She asked. He didn't respond, but he pointed upwards. Trixy looked upwards to the dark sky. "I fell?" She asked. He nodded. "That's all I wanted to know." She said, turning.

They both walked opposite directions from each other. Trixy was really infuriated and looked around the room. It was really big just to have a piano and a seat. She bumped into something from behind. Trixy looked behind herself and saw a small tree that looked so cute. She touched it's trunk, and her anger suddenly disappeared. She looked up and it's leaves were silver. She smiled and raced to the piano. She stood on top of the piano and pulled the leaves, but they wouldn't come off. The boy shook his head a no. She looked back at him, cluelessly. She pretended to still be angry and she jumped off the piano.

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