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Happy Star Wars Day! :D

The lone bounty hunter was walking through the small town, looking for someone. Suddenly, she tripped very awkwardly. Recovering quickly, she kept striding down the dusty road, littered with trash everywhere you saw.

She was dressed in a purple and dark green, old motorcycle suit with a helmet to go with it. It was even more dirty, with scratches all over it. There were some cables and wires going around her suit, some powering her jetpack that looked very old, and had springs and rusted metal peering out the sides. Her name was Indigo Fett, a bounty hunter that was kinder than others-although she didn't talk.

Eventually the clumsy trooper reached a metal and wood hut, scraps of junk scattered all around. There was a sign above that read (in terrible handwriting); Crasher's Mechanic co. She knocked on the door, then a bulky yellow monster appeared at the door and loomed over her. "Indie! Haven't seen you in ages!"

It was, unsurprisingly, Crasher. He was a plump alien, his shirt too small-showing his belly button. He had a steampunk metal arm that could be replaced with all sorts of tools such as screwdrivers. (Useful for a mechanic.) His clothes were oil and sweat stained, and so were his hands.

Once Indigo walked in, she silently told him to fix her jetpack using certain gestures. "Oh, ok! I'll be back soon! You just wait here." She did what she was told, but started to look around the room. A postcard was on the table, a letter from his mum who lived on another planet. It read;

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To: 23 junk street, Trashtopia, the suburbs.

From: Quartz Destroyer, 83 magnificentt road, Quiego.

Hello? Crasher? Basha?

It's your mum. I was just asking if you were doing ok, living on a dump planet and all. I'm sorry you can't get out, but I guess that's life. How are you going-!


"Hey, Indigo!" She escaped out of reading the letter. On the stairs was a skinnier alien than Crasher, but very similar. "It's me, Basha! Y'know, Crasher's little Bro?!" She nodded. The tall monster spoke again. "So, where's Crasher? In the garage? okie-dokie. I heard someone at the door, I just came to check it out. Nice to see you again!"

Right after he exited, his brother came back in. "All done! Your jetpack's good to go!" After taking it back, she gave him some money. "Aww.. Thanks, Indie! But you can have a discount. You ARE my friend after all..." The tomboy nodded, in thanks, and started to walk off.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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