Mistaken Boyfriend [Eunhyuk x Sungmin]

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Sungmin felt that there was something different about Tablo today. Tablo had been silent for the most part of their date. There was a worried and nervous expression on his face. Sungmin asked if there was something wrong but Tablo would smile and say it was nothing.

“Excuse me. Do you know where I can find National Bookstore? I seem to be lost.” A foreigner, who spoke in English, asked Tablo.

“I don’t know. Sorry.” Tablo replied in English. Sungmin noticed that even the way Tablo spoke in English was quite different. There was also a hesitant tone in his voice.

Sungmin may not be fluent in English but he knew enough to be able to understand the short conversation. “Why did you lie to the foreigner? You always go to National Bookstore to buy books and school supplies.”

“I just find it a bother.” Tablo replied with a shrug.

Now Sungmin became really suspicious. Tablo had always been kind and helpful to foreigners. “What’s wrong with you? You don’t seem to be your usual self.”

“Maybe because I’m not Tablo.”


“I…I’m Eunhyuk.” There was an expression of guilt of Eunhyuk’s face. “It’s not just today. We’ve dated a few times before too.”

Sungmin gasped. He did not want to believe that there was actually a Tablo-look-alike that goes by the name of Eunhyuk. Not to mention, he actually dated with a stranger when he thought that it was his boyfriend. That would also mean that he had kissed and had sex with Eunhyuk a few times before.

“It was all Tablo’s idea. I really don’t know why but I decided to go through with it because he’s paying me and I needed the money.” Eunhyuk still had more to explain but he couldn’t continue after receiving a punch on the face by Sungmin.

“Was it fun to fool me around? Do you have any idea how I feel right now knowing I dated and slept with a stranger like you?!?!” Sungmin’s shoulders and fists were shaking out of anger. “It would have sounded better if you said you decided to do it because you’ve liked me for a long time but that’s not it. You’re actually just doing all these for the sake of money!!! You…you…” He couldn’t talk anymore. He was already having a hard time breathing from all the crying.

Eunhyuk hugged Sungmin, who fought back and tried to escape from the hug but Eunhyuk remained on his spot. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Eunhyuk kept on whispering those words against Sungmin’s ear.

After a while, Sungmin stopped struggling and crying. “Please let go of me.” He managed to say calmly. After being released from the hug, Sungmin looked at Eunhyuk straight on the eyes. “You don’t care that you might actually hurt a person’s feelings. All you care about is the money you’re receiving from Tablo. You have no heart!!! I hate you!!! I don‘t want to see you ever again!!!”

Eunhyuk could only watch as Sungmin ran away from him. He wanted to explain. He had so much to say. But most of all, he wanted to tell Sungmin that he loved him. “At first, I was only doing it for the money but along the way, I fell for him. But even if I said these words in front of him, I’m sure he wouldn’t believe me because I lied too much to him.” He told himself as he made his way towards his home.


“I’m home!” Tablo announced as he arrived in the apartment that he was sharing with Sungmin.

“How could you do this to me?!?!” Sungmin threw a vase at Tablo’s direction.

Tablo had to dodge it. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He was surprise to see a very angry Sungmin.

Mistaken Boyfriend [Eunhyuk x Sungmin]Where stories live. Discover now