Is it time to get out yet?

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Marionette was sitting in class, waiting for the bell to ring. It was her least favorite class of the day, the one with Chloe. She didn't really understand why she stayed in the class at all, anyways. She had enough credits that if she dropped this one class she'd graduate in 2 years easily. But she stayed.

It was advanced calculus, which she had basically taken in high school. The only reason she was taking it again was that the credit didn't transfer. At least there was one good thing with this class. She was with Adrien. Her amazing boyfriend.

They had known each other for some time, never really talking on their own, until Alya and Nino had pushed them together. Nino had convinced Adrien to ask her to the movies the last month of junior year, and BAM when it came back to school, they were dating.

As if sensing Marinette was thinking about him, Adrien looked at her and squeezed her left thigh. He winked at his girlfriend, clearly wanting out of the classroom as well. 

The teacher asked a question, something about quadratic equations, and Chloe's hand shot in the air. 

"Yes, Chloe?" The teacher ran her hand through her hair, anticipating what the blonde would ask her.

"It's time to go" Chloe pointed to the clock and smiled. Clearly, she was being a pet.

"It is not time to go until the bell rings, remember?" Sabrina had stood up as well, shaking her head.

"Mrs. McClure, the class ends promptly at 12:45. As you can see, it is 12:46- make that 12:47." The copycat pushed her glasses back up her nose, crossing her arms when she finished. Her sweater vest wrinkled at the movement, but she would listen to Chloe's droning about it later. The stuck-up brat was too busy complaining about the time.

"The bell has not rang, therefore class will go on." Mrs.McClure stood her ground, unimpressed by the two's attitude.

While the group was bickering, Marinette was staring into Adrien's eyes, as he was doing to her. It wasn't everyday they could stare at each other and not get called out. Adrien slid his hand across Mari's thigh, stopping half way. They had "invisible boundaries" with each other, in public or not.

And of course, Mari hated it. They hadn't had sex ever, and they had been dating for 3 years. Mari was still a virgin, and she hated that aswell. After 2 years, the most the two had done was sleep in the same bed together. Kissing was sparse, and touching was normally on the arm or below the thigh. 

Just once Mari wished he would take some initiative, do something sporadic. But no. Fluff. Just fluff.

The arguing over with Chloe was getting pretty intense, as both she and the teacher were screaming at each other. Sabrina had seemed to disappear off somewhere, leaving her beasties to fend for herself.

The teacher had walked up the stairs to where Chloe sat, she was repeatedly banging her hands on the table. The noise got so loud, Adrien had turned to look, sacrificing their connection. 

Marinette turned red, and trailed her hand down his leg, starting all the way from his upper thigh. "That should get his attention" she thought. As soon as she moved her finger, Adrien looked up at her. His eyes were wide, confused and startled by the sudden outburst. Marinette smirked and moved her face to his ears.

"We can continue this after class, right, kitty?". Marinette pulled back and looked into his eyes, hoping he'd get the message. Adrien gulped and nodded his head.

                                                                    ~Adrien's Point of View~

As soon as Mari pulled away from me, I knew something was going to go down. But whAt? All of a sudden she had just touched my leg... all the way up there... did she want to...? No, no, no Mari would never want to. She doesn't like me that much.... right? I looked back up to her, seeing that she was on her phone. 

"Well, the ladybug wants to play the game, so the cat has to play too."I thought, and leaned over to Marinette and set my head on her shoulder. 

"So, Bugaboo, what are we doing later?" Mari looked into my eyes and smirked.

"You'll find out when the bell rings..."

I groaned and looked at the clock. "Is it time to get out yet?"

*Authors note*

Hey all you lovely people, I just have to say that this is honestly my first publicized fan-fic and I really like it. I have to thank someone though, and it is my amazing editor who helps me a lot with life. Without her, I'd have terrible grammar all through this thing. 

See y'all later byeeeee

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