First Day of School

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BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Joshua wake up!"Your going to miss the bus" my mother yells. Okay" I reply. I get up and head for the closet. I put on my clothes and head out the door. "Honey, I love you, have a good day". "Okay mom, I have to go bye" I reply. As I walk out the door I see the bus speed by. I head back inside to grab my bike."Honey, why are you here"? "I just missed the bus" I reply. "Well your going to have to take your bike". "I know mom" I grab my bike and head back out the door.

Fifteen minutes later...

I finally reach my class, as I walk in I can feel eyes staring at me. "Excuse me sir you are late to my class" a strange old man says. "Sorry" I head for the nearest seat. I sit down next to some girl with a burning flower tattoo on her arm. "Hi I'm Kayla" she says. "I'm Joshua" I reply. She offers to share her erasers that looks very chewed up. "Did you bite this" I asked confused? "Yes, they are very good" Kayla replys. "Well to me there not very tasty" I reply. "Quiet "! The man yells! I open my book and start drawing a dragon.

Thirty minutes pass...

RING! RING! RING! Out of nowhere the bell goes off. Almost every jumps up. But I take my time and slowly collect my stuff. As I walk down the hall I hear someone yell "Wait up"! I turn around and Kayla is running up to me. When she reaches me I ask " What do you want". "I wanna hang with my new best friend" she answers. "I don't even know you vary well" I answer. "Please can I hang with you, I have no friends" she says. I sigh " Just this one time".

Lunch Time...

I grab my lunch tray and head for the lunch line. And out of nowhere Kayla pops up. "Hey Joshua what you doing" she asked? "Umm getting lunch and why are you here" she asked. "I'm hungry " she replys. "I mean why are you here with me" I ask? " Cause your my best friend " she replys. We just met like three periods ago". Suddenly are conversion was broken up by Tyler Cliff pushing me. Tyler went to my eighth grade school. " Your holding up the line" he yells! "Don't touch me dude" I reply. "Stop please stop yell and arguing" Kayla said. "Take you and your girl friend somewhere else loser" he yells back. I try to hold myself back from punching him. "Man I don't have time for this" Tyler says and he leaves the cafeteria

After lunch...

After lunch was over I quickly walked to my next class not trying to be late again. As I walk into the class, I noticed in the front row there sat Kayla. I Walked past her to a seat in the back. Suddenly she gets up and starts following me to a seat."Wassup Josh" she says happily. "Are you following me" I asked strictly. "Only cause I like you" Kayla says while blushing. I head to my seat and try to forget what I just heard. But I cant it keeps popping up in my mind. So I decided to take a short little nap. SMACK! The teacher hits the desk and says wake up! A small group of people start laughing, but I pay no attention

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