Oh My Smolder

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Oh My Smolder

Only so many people in the world can pull off Flynn Rider's signature smolder. Max doesn't happen to be one of those people. So playing Flynn after a weird turn of events while his original actor is out sick? Not fun. Not fun at all. And what Alice and Max learn all too soon is something that makes it even more not fun is that, without a doubt, Max is horrible at improv. 

A one-shot for @broadwaygurl88's fabulous short story, "Oh My Disney". 


"I was forced against my own Will."

"Okay one, that was a terrible joke - and two, you better have a way more believable excuse than that if you want me to forgive you for what you just did."

"Do hugs work? I hear that hugs work really well in these kinds of situations."


Okay, so maybe Max didn't handle that situation very well. At all. But what was he supposed to do? Not go onstage and leave Alice to look like a fool when Flynn Rider didn't show up? He knew her couldn't do that to her - even if it meant making the both of them look like complete idiots stumbling over lines that had been unnessacarily changed from the movie's original script. It wasn't that big of a deal to everyone else, but why did they have to change the script for the show when the movie was already pure genius?

Alice said Max brought that up too often. Still, she never stopped him.

The pun about Will though, that was good. "I'm sorry - but it's true! I was literally locked inside his dressing room and the woman on the intercom-"

"You mean our boss?"

"Yeah, her - she told me to get dressed. I know you need this job - but I need mine just as much. Defying the woman who signs our paychecks didn't seem like the best idea at the time."

"You could have at least told me," she mumbled, staring at her feet.

"Hey, in the three seconds before I was pushed onstage, I was a little too busy freaking out to think about anything else," Max defended.

Alice crossed her arms. "Well, at least tell me how you got into this stupid mess in the first place," she asked, staring at him in an "I'm listening" kind of way. Max loved it when she did that - he loved everything she did. Right now, though, he wasn't loving the fact that he was going to have to relive this entire mess by retelling it all to her. Max had a feeling she wasn't going to enjoy it too much either.

Alice had never liked it when Max showed up during one of her shows - let alone being in the show.

[Three hours earlier...]

"What? You want me to pick it up? Wait, am I supposed to - where are you going? I-I'm not sure I'm supposed to answer these - alright, alright, I'll - hello?"

"Max? What are you doing answering the phones?"

"I was just - wait, Will? Is that you?"

There was coughing on the other end and what sounded like Will dropping the phone. "Hello? Max? You there still?" he asked, and Max rolled his eyes. This guy was going to make him miss Alice's show, and Max wouldn't let that happen.

"Listen Will, I really have to go, so if you're done-"

"No Max, I'm calling for a reason - I can't come in today."

Max almost dropped the phone himself that time. "Will, stop joking around and just get over here. The show starts in-" he paused to look at the clock on the wall in the office. "The show starts in two minutes, and Alice sort of can't do it without you."

Oh My SmolderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora