Chapter 1

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                           Ashley P.O.V

"STOP!!" I screamed when the whip hit my sister on her back. She screamed in agony and I could not help her. I was chained to the walls like a dirty animal . "FATHER STOP!!" She sobbed . "Blame Ashley, baby girl ... your sister disobeyed my orders and went outside without my permission ."He said . I went outside for some fresh air ... I didn't think that it would bother him like this .

My father hasn't always been abusive. In fact he was a loving father and husband . He only started abusing us when our mother passed away, ten years ago. I was 8 years old and my sister was 5.

When my mom died, I promised to protect my little sister with my life and right now I feel as though I failed to keep that promise."Aaaaaaahh" her screams brought me back to reality. "Oh my Gosh" I gasped when I saw her back. She had blood dripping down her back . She was sweating and broken . It was agonizing to see my father beating my little sister. My father chuckled and ran up the stairs. My attention went back to my unconscious sister. "Chloe .... Chloe wake up". She opened her eyes a few minutes later when my father walked in, with salt and a first aid kit in his hand . "See what you made me do Ash ... You made me hurt my baby girl ... MY daughter ... You did this to  her" he spat in my face.  He cleaned the fresh blood off her back and throw the cloth right in front of me. It remind me. After cleaning her wounds he took my sister in his hands and walked away. While they were walking away I realized that Chloe had fainted. Leaving me in the dark .

After a few hours I heard the door open and footsteps coming down the stairs . I heard the footsteps approach me . I heard the chains rattling, felt the chain's grip on my wrist easing up a bit as she unlock them. I looked up to see hazel eyes.
It was my stepmother . She looked at me with so much sympathy . After unlocking the chains she pulled me up and hugged me ."I'm Sorry" she said . She had tears building up in her eyes . " I'm gonna help you escape from this hell hole ". She gave me a weak smile and pulled me upstairs . I walked into the kitchen and I saw it was already passed midnight .She gave me a bag and a map."Just follow the map and you'll see a building on top of a hill . Go inside and ask for Eddie .He'll help you. Eddie is a friend of mine and he will protect you, I told him about you and he said that he will do anything to help" She said . "What about Chloe ... I-I can't just leave her, she's my sister and I promised my mom that I would protect her ." I panicked when I remembered my sister . "Ash... Ashley listen to me ... i-if you took Chloe with you and Patrick finds you than he'll kill both of you .... leave her with me ... I promise... no... I swear to protect her with my life ." I nodded hesitantly and pulled her into a long hug . "I'll miss you and protect Chloe ... She's only a child and she's the most important person to me . And tell her I'll come back for her ". She nodded and that's when I walk out of the house and opened the map . I walked out into the woods and began to search for the building

After wondering in the woods for a few hours I found the building. I saw a building with the word DENZEL .I ran in and screamed "HELP !! HELP!! ".

James' P.O.V

I tasted the blood as another punch came at me . I was training with my gang members cause I had a fight coming up in a few days . This fight was a big deal cause I was representing my gang and If I lost then Alberto would have me killed and replaced in less then a minute .I had to focus . I owed Clyde a lot ... he helped me when I was a kid and trained me.

I felt a other punch to my stomach . That son of a bitch just punch me . I looked up and saw him smiling . I smirked and kicked Alberto on the left leg .He falled and hissed , he then glared at me. I laughed. Let the games begin .

After training , I took a shower and went to see Clyde . I knocked once and walked in. He smiled when he saw me . "Hey Lil bro " he walk to me and gave me a bro hug ."Wuss'up son"
Clyde and me are like brothers. He's way older then me though . I respect him . He took me in when I was homeless . Him and his mom treated me like I was family . I was 13 when they found me . I was practically already dead . I owe them my life.
"Nothing much ... just organizing the fight ... you better not disappoint me " he chuckled ."Me... disappoint you ... never " I laughed "But hey , I actually wanted to talk to you about something." I looked at him seriously . Truth is that I want out of the gang life but I can't tell him that . He'd think that I was a pussy . "Wass'up son" he said whilst walking to his desk , I sat down parallel to him . "I need time off son ... I got business I gotta handle " . I got straight to the point . "What kinda business?".  "It's personal son ... but let's just say that someone messed me over and now I wanna mess with them". He smirked ."Aight son ... I'll see you in 2 days ". I stood up and walked away . I was walking away from the gang life .

I got on my motorcycle and drove off . In the woods I left my bike there cause I know there'd be a tractor in there . I also left my wallet , keys and cellphone . I walk till I was tired . I looked up and saw a building .
I walked in and hoped for the best.

I walked in and saw a girl crying . "Hey was up ... why you crying ?". I saw bruise on her arm . She had blonde hair and was wearing a long white dress . She looked innocent and fragile . She turned around and she looked scared . She ran to me and hugged me , "help me ... please I'm begging you ." She said before fainting into my arms . Then security walked in. "Help her please" I asked . "Who are you?" He asked ." I'm her boyfriend". I replied


Ok So what did y'all think about chapter one ?
See I told you that I changed things .
It's so different now hey .
But anyways


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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