Chapter 1: First Meet

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My name is Kyra and this is my story of finding love, complicated and messy as it is. Let me give you some background first though. I was a small town girl, born and raised in the same sleepy little town that my parents met and fell in love. The town of Shenandoah wasn't very big 1,000 people at the most. Everyone knew everyone and no secrets were sacred in this town. I loved the town I really did but it just felt as if something was missing. I was now the local librarian in the town when old Mrs. Jenkins retired shortly after I graduation and I was ready to take over.

I loved my job to the fullest and I had a good family and a few great friends that I was really close to. The only problem was that it seemed like there were no young men in this town. I mean sure there were young men my age but nothing for me to get excited about. I wanted something different, I just didn't know what that different was until he walked into my best friend's bakery.

Rose inherited the bakery from her grandmother who passed away shortly after graduation. It was a sad time but it also meant that Rose owned Sugar & Spice all on her own, and she was a fantastic baker, her grandma taught her everything she knows and she has her own secrets of baking as well. Everyone comes here to get there sugar and hot drink fix, it is also the place to go to relax and read a great book, especially if you are waiting for your best friend to close up shop.

On Sundays when the Library is closed I usually come to the bakery and hang out to read and talk with Rose in between customers. This Sunday was no different, or so I thought. The bell on the door chimed notifying us that a customer was in. On this day I was behind the counter checking people out because Rose was in the back making and checking on baked goods, I often helped her out at the shop, I teased her that it was another part time job for me, and honestly I loved and enjoyed doing it.

I didn't look at the door when it opened because I was in the middle of wiping down the counters so I just cheerfully said to whoever just came in, "I'll be with you in a moment." I figured it was just someone in the town anyway, I mean we did get the occasional passerby but there was no way of knowing that my life would forever be changed from this moment on.

"That's alright, I'll just take a look around, thanks." An unfamiliar male voice responded, a voice that was deep and husky and very male. It was a really nice voice. I of course then looked up quickly because I didn't recognize the voice, and what I saw totally took my breathe away. He was thankfully examining the treats on display so he didn't see how instantly he affected me.

He was tall probably around 6 foot 4 inches, he had light brown hair that was fashioned in a faux hawk, one that suited him perfectly. Good facial features such as a chiseled jaw with a scruffy beard going on, which I mean that is just so hot! From what I could tell amazing blue eyes, but I only got a glimpse of them as they were scanning the treats. He was muscular and I could tell that he was fit, my mouth grew dry at the sight of him, and he was the most handsome man that I had ever seen. All while I looked like a hot mess, great this is just great!

Just as I was getting my tongue back in working order and about to say something the door chimed again and it dragged my attention back to the door. Two new people came in the bakery, Jean and Sean. Jean was my arch nemesis for lack of a better word, she always wanted what I wanted and just treated people like the witch she was, unless of course it suited her evil plan then she was her fake super sweet self, just like that sickeningly sweet frosting on cake, I grimace just thinking about it. Needless to say she and I would probably never get along.

 Sean on the other hand was the town's playboy and wanted me as his next conquest, although I had a sneaking suspicion that he really wanted Ruby but was afraid she would turn him down because of his reputation. His bad boy vibes intrigued me but it wasn't enough for me to say yes, because I think that Ruby secretly likes Sean and I would never do anything to hurt my best friend. We have a banter going on between us, but it is all friendly and in the end I know we are just friends. Though I have no idea why he hangs out with Jean so much, but I tend not to think about it to much, I don't want to give her the satisfaction even if she can't read my thoughts.

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