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     Grey clouds float across the rose sky. The sun peeps over the horizon, as the sea waves to me. The foamy splash of the water clashes against the mountain on which I am stood. I am in the middle of nowhere. There's no place to run. No way to escape. I have no memory as to how I came to this mountain. In fact, I have no memory at all. My head is as clear as the blood stained sea, with only my thoughts and questions clouding it.
       The wind strokes my hair and whispers in my ear, like a mother comforting an unruly child. How strange it is, that I feel so calm and relaxed, yet lost and alone? I look across the vast stretch of sea, that disappears at the horizon. The stones are cold beneath my cut and blistered feet.
      I continue to stare out, lost in my own whirlpool of thought. The sea stands still, and invites me to plunge into its watery depths. I wonder how it would feel. Would it soothe the sores on my feet? Or silence the screams in my head? I walk closer to the mountain edge, until my toes are no longer touching the rock. The sea calls louder.
      I jump. I brace myself to fall into the depths, but instead I am suspended in midair. The rose sky, the blood sea, the mountains. They all fade from sight until all that is left is grey, cold walls. A scratchy old rope is tied in a noose around my neck and people in white jackets rush in. The beauty is gone and everything goes dark. I draw my last breath. It was all in my head.

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