Untitled Part 1

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Geneva asked "How could you have possibly gone through that?"

"Well it was definitely hard."

"Tell. Me. Everything!"

"Okay well it all started out when I was at school. I was walking through the the dusty hallways like every normal day. I had all my favorite things on, including my lime green vans and my rainbow sunglasses. I thought I looked amazing and so did a lot of people but apparently it wasn't good enough for Stacy Steinbeck. The rivalry started right then and there when she gave me a snotty look and talked with her little sidekicks about me behind my back. Me being cool and all just let it go. I wasn't going to let her affect the rest of my day. Just because she doesn't like my fantastic look does not mean she needs to comment on it and make me paranoid."

"Wow. A lot of people would be crying after someone was rude to them. It amazing that you toughed through that."

"That's not even the start of it. After those words things just got worse and worse for me. It was the next day I felt a little crumby that morning so I just slicked my hair back in a ponytail and wore my sweats to school. I was at my locker that morning and I saw her. I quickly scrambled at my locker just trying to avoid eye contact with her at all costs. In middle school she had bullied me. Everyday she would yell at me for doing absolutely nothing and would call me the dumbest names. Anyways I finally got her to let it all go but I definitely did not want the past to repeat. It seemed that I lost control of my arms or something as when I was reaching for my final textbook I had dropped everything into the floor. I dropped to my feet. I hurried to grab everything. Before I knew it all I could hear was her and her little posse laughing and pointing at me. I held back my tears knowing that if I let even one shed I would ruin my life forever. She rim more my science homework into shreds then stomped away acting as if I was the one who did something mean to her."

"Oh you poor soul!"

"Just wait. There's more."

"Oh okay. I'm sorry. Go on Lilly."

"I eventually picked everything up and sprinted to my next class. Everything after that was good. I thought maybe my teacher wouldn't even be that mad because I always did my homework and was never late with assignments. That assumption was for from correct. When I reached science class it was like a Tyrannosaurus rex had suddenly come back to life seeking vengeance on anyone in sight. Mrs.Thompson screamed at me and called on me the whole entire class. Minutes definitely felt like hours. Then finally the bell rang. Everyone crowded the doorway trying to hurdle their way out of the class."

"omg I hate that. No one ever watches what they are doing and absolutely no one cares if they hurt someone in the process.Like what if someone gets pushed into an open locker and smashes their head on it so they fall and get a concussion. Or worse what if someone falls and they break a bone or twist their ankle when right after school they have a volleyball practice. That could totally ruin someone's life!"

"I know it's painful but i don't think there is any way for someone to break anything of theirs unless someone three times their weight falls on a specific body part the wrong way."

"well you never know...accidents happen all the time."

"i guess you are right but it's silly to think about that."

"well i think about it all the time and i dont think its silly at all."

Geneva tends to always think about the worst case scenario when it comes to anything. She has a very hard time forgetting about when people used to shove her in the halls at the beginning of this year. That's actually how we became friends. When i was forced out of my click i had no one so i didn't really care what others thought of my because i knew that it was going to be pointless to find any other new friends. But then i saw Geneva getting picked on and shoved by other kids so i stood up for her. I hate seeing people get treated like garbage for no apparent reason. That's why she's so scared. They traumatised her into believing that at any given moment she can be bodychecked into the floor.

"i'm sorry. I didn't mean to call it silly. Anyways back to what happened next. After i left the classroom for the end of the day i was on my journey home on the bus. Everyone was quiet for some reason but i didn't really care because it gave me the perfect opportunity to read another book from the Harry Potter series. In no time it was my stop to get off at. I grabbed all my things and continued off still fixed on my reading. I carefully looked up to go down the steps when all of a sudden my heart dropped. All i could see standing outside my stop was the terrible Stacy and her posse. They all had their arms crossed waiting for me to get off the bus. Reluctantly i got off. I remember my palms were sweating and my knees started to shake. Stacy had found out where my bus stop was just so she could make fun of me after school. I walked home at a steady pace. She repeatedly called me many names such as a whore, slut, hoe, etc. i was dreading getting off at that station. I could have just gotten off at the next one and walked for an hour. Just as i approached my house she pushed me back asking''where do you think your going?" I tried to answer but the pit in my throat held me back. All i could do was stand there hoping that i would eventually make a noise...nothing. Moments past and all i could think to do was to speed walk to my house and slam the door. Stacy now knew where i lived and continued to follow me home everyday for the next month. I didn't want to tell anyone. I was too scared to even mention it in fear that she would find out and hurt me even worse. Every day when i got home i would run to my room and cry in my pillow all night until i eventually fell asleep. There were times where i didn't want to live. All i wanted to do was crawl into a ball and stay home. But i had to go to school. My parents forced me to go. In their behalf I knew they didn't know what was happening to me. When Stacy would punch me and leave bruises I would just cover it with clothing. Instead of wearing my normal clothes I was forced to wear hoodies and long jeans all the time so i could hide the evidence that I was being bullied. Eventually my grades started to drop. I was failing classes and slowly started to loose hope as to who i am."

"No...best friend. How did I not know about any of this? I should have known that you were going through something. You definitely didn't seem normal but i didn't think much of it."

"It's okay. Things started to get better for me after that. The principle noticed that his A+ student was now an F student and had a chat with me about it. He asked what was going on with me and that's when i spilled my guts. I figured that it was time for this to stop. I did not want to let her break down my confidence and ruin me. I was determined to overcome this barrier that she put up for me. I realised that it's important to not let the hardships in life get to you because like the artist Pink said, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and if you let people like Stacy get to you then I would be letting her win at my life. And i'm definitely not going to let her take control of my life again. I was going to put on my lime green sneakers and rainbow sunglasses because i love them and that's all that matters."

"So what happened to Stacy?"

"Well geneva that's the interesting part. After i told the principle what happened he contacted the board about her behavior and decided that she was going to have a two week suspension. They made her apologise and they also told her parents. The most interesting part was her reasoning as to why she treated me like she did. She told the principle that it was because i apparently tripped her in the hallway when i never did."

"Did they actually believe her when she said that?""Of course not. They assume that she did it because she was jealous or there may be something going on in her home that is upsetting but not allowed to know any more as to why. So all i can do is keep moving forward with my life and keep achieving my goals."  

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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