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RainPaw woke up to the sound of yowling. He stepped outside and saw a black tom with a dark Grey kit grabbed by the scruff of its fur. DewTail, WaterHeart and GreenEyes were there. "You have no right to take a ThunderClan kit to  ShadowClan with you! PatchKit belongs here in ThunderClan! " DewTail meowed loudly. RainPaw was surprised no other cats were up, but kept his focus on the tom. Soon, GreenEyes stepped forward. "Look, NightHeart. Im sorry that I left you, just please, let PatchKit go, and let us have our peace. We can talk about the situation later toda-" GreenEyes was interuppted by a yowl from NightHeart. "Never! You were supposed to be with me! You promised you would never leave me until death do as part!". RainPaws eyes widened. GreenEyes mate used to be this fox-heart? "What's happening?" He asked glancing at DewTail, whose sight was fixed on NightHeart. Her eyes were cold, like an Eagle, stalking its prey. WaterHeart took RainPaw aside. "Its nothing, we'll talk about it later with GreenEyes." WaterHearts mew was gentle. RainPaw nodded, but soon was startled by a yowl. He turned over to see DewTails limp body and NightHeart claws covered in blood. WaterHearts ears flattened as he rain to DewTail. "DewTail no!". DewTail was WaterHearts mate...! RainPaw thought to himself. GreenEyes stared with a shocked look in her eyes at NightHeart. Soon FlowerScent came out of the Medicine Den and ran to DewTail. She put her paw onto DewTails body. Tension filled the air. RainPaw could smell everyone's fear scent. Soon, FlowerScents ears flattened as she took her paw off of DewTails body. DewTails body was cold, and there was no life in her eyes.

DewTail was dead.

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