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hello, hello! It's been quiet a while my friends! Trust me, no one is even going to read this book, i'm just bored.

Yes, i know i've been gone for so long! I've been doing things, not much but, i've been really happy recently and things have been well!

It was my birthday last Saturday! 

I miss you all dearly, i literally talk to  no one on here anymore but,

Here i am! Making this quiet interesting ( in a weird way)  book that no one will read

Except for me in like the middle of the night and then have regrets writing this.


My name is adrielle, and you're watching disney channel!

IM SORRY, I AM VERY HYPER RIGHT NOW, but im also tired? Idk.

adrielle logging out!

Not really but this is just an intro,

bye bye!

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