Just The Beginning

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Flau'Jae POV

So every thing started with the final performance it was all cool I went back stage because I was done. Nova,Deetranada,and Roscoe was proud of me. Every one came and hugged me when Roscoe hugged me he tried to kiss me like swerve. But I didn't wanna be mean so I walked away

King Roscoe POV

So when Flau'Jae came backstage after her final performance she did so good I mean everyone knows I like her I mean like its more than a crush so when I hugged her I tried to kiss her and she basically rejected it so it was all good

Deetrada POV

So when Flau'Jae came backstage we all hugged her cause' you know we all like family so I think Roscoe tried to kiss her I was like yoooo Wtw

Nova POV

You know we all family I know Roscoe like Flau'jae so it wasn't a surprise when he tried to kiss her I mean that's my Mann that's my Lil brother tryna get him a girl

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