Breaking the Guy Code

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Breaking the Guy Code

Max, Brian and Sam have always been best friends..ever since the beginning time and maybe even their previous lives..until that one day .

Brian fell in love...with Amy Macillister.

But Max? ....likes her too

And he goes to a party meeting three drunk chicks who later become his best friends..and partners in crime.. With their advice and knowledge of girls..nothing is stopping him from stealing his former best friends lover.

hey, he's breaking the guy code but...

what does he have to lose

all's fair in love and war.

Chapter One

The Party Of No Return.

If i look back on who i was three days ago I would've never thought I'd be the type of guy who'd steal my best friend's girlfriend ( well almost girlfriend anyway)/

But it was that party the changed me...seriously if Katie hadn't slipped things into the punched i would've never met "them".

Them being Susan, Beth and Daphne.

I knew they were a bit tipsy when they started talking about people having sex with animals...but for some reason..i just had to talk to them. I had this manly manly urge to hit on them.

They were so pretty beautiful and talented. They were gorgeous in every way and just looking at them took my breath away. I knew I should stay away but they were just so scrumdiliumcious....and drunk. Plus their breath stank like a fishy on a wishy.

"gahahahahaha!...y do boys have to be so darn complicated! " Susan was chugging more and more diet coke.. She was also stuffing carrots in her mouth while piercing her ears.

I was thinking about Amy...but my thought process was interupted by Beth Lynn

" Hey you with the afro!"

I wanted to run away and hide in a croner with the other guys..but i was no longer their friends..we were spit up by

UH...wat? I said back

then Susan walked up and slurred" So do guys just like sit down and talk about girls?'


" Like are you just like " omg amber is so cuuute...and beautiful and talented" or ru just like " Man she's hot"

" The second one" I replied..guys never do the other one"

Daphne scoffed " Ugh guys are soooo shallow."

They talked so more but I wasn't least not untill...

" Ya know boy..ima give u some useful advice" Susan Said

" Yeaaa tell it girl" Said Beth

" If you ever like a girl and you ask her best friend if she likes you and the friend says " I don't know" means YES!"

Now this was useful info I thought. My interest was suddenly turned on by this useful info.

Daphne was like " Duh!! i mean if she doesn't like you then the friend has nothing to hide she can just say no without any problem...unless she doesn't want to hurt your feelings but thats not usually the case"

Beth nodded a couple thousand times before bursting out saying" Yea If the best friend says " I don't you like her??" thats a DEFINTE YES! because the friend is trying to make sure u like her so the girl doesn't get hurt"

Katie walks in...she obviously had some "diet coke" too

"But if the friend says no...that a definite NO!"

Susan added " only applies to CLOSE friends..if they're just fuh-reinds..they might seriously not know. "

I nodded trying to understand this whole thing...were they right? or were they just drunk...hmm seems pretty accurate to me. I've never had a girlfriend so i wouldn't know.

I dared to ask " Why don't girls tell guys they like them..i hate that!"


" are you crazy man??"

Katie joined " She doesn't want to get rejected duh!"

Susan was like " Yea would YOU want to get rejected??"

I shook my head

" You have a LOT to learn boy" Beth nodded.

It all flooded into me... A plan I thought....... If i happened to get on their good sides I might be able to get these girls to help me get Amy.

They sorta seemed to know what they were talking about

and what better advice about girls then...girls themselves???

Daphne was ditzy. No doubt. I saw her hork down a chocolate cake within seconds. She didn't even chew it. She swalled it whole.

Beth Lynn.. well she was the overly dramatic one. She passed out when she got a paper cut.

Susan..she was the brains of the whole operation. She smelled like Bunny feet but when it came to content..she knew everthing.

i was just about to go and ask them a few questions about Amy when...

She came in

The birthday girl

Niki. Niki Rinskins.

I needed to hide

Right now.

I'll always remember Niki. I personally dont even remember why i came to this party in the first place. Niki was the schools leper. The outcast. The goth chick that chewed licorice gum. Ew no one chews licroice gum, It made her teeth turn black and she refused to go to the dentist.

It was required BY LAW to go to the dentist.

Niki was a LAW BREAKER

Anyway, i used to have this huge thing for Niki until Brian liked Amy..then i have this even HUGER thing for Amy.

Then all of a sudden. Niki??.....turned into a BAT!

Black smoke was everywhere and everyone passed out

I saw Niki in bat form and watched as she drank strawberry milk. She looked at me and then


i turned into a mermaid.

I was now a redhead and had this sudden urge to sing showtunes.

Oh no.

Amy only liked blondes.

I used to be a blonde :(

When the smoke dissapoeard and Niki turned into human again...Susan, Daphne and Beth woke up . I looked up at four of them and saw my surroundings.

i was in the city of atlantis

AS their prisoner of war,

" Muahahahaha you are our prisoner now!!" Niki bellowed

Susan Laughed her evil laueghed " We want also want

and we are offering you a deal of alifetime"

'What?" I sang in a falsetto voice

Beth laughed a slow deep laugh " We want Amy's a bottle"

"And you want Amy..we can help you seduce Amy away from Brian if you help us get her a bottle"

I knew I had no choice. It was either be a mermaid for the rest of my life.

be single

or Be a hot blonde again with the girl of my dreams

But the only way for me to get Amy

Was to break the guy code.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2010 ⏰

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