Books and Boys

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  Phil is the happy employee of a bookshop and Dan wants to check out some boys- books. I meant books.
  The light shone through the dusty windows as Phil unlocked the doors to the mystical bookstore. He breathed in the deep scent of books, and headed over to the shelves. He walked down the aisle, his arm outstretched to reach towards the literature, callouses brushing past each spine, relishing in the nice thudthudthudthud sound it made. Once he got done fooling around he made his way to his book cart, to start shelving books. He glanced at the clock, squinting in order to see the time through the golden dust that flew about. 8:09. The store just opened. He was shelving The Great Gatsby when the dainty bell above the door chimed. Not expecting customers so early, he jumped a little and clumsily dropped The Great Gatsby and several other titles he had cradled in his arms. He bent down to pick up the scripts when he saw a shadow drape over him. He gulped and looked up at the customer, "S-sorry. Need any help finding anythi-"
"Do you need help?" The stranger murmured, his voice soft and chilling. The tall man stooped down with ease to recover a title to my lanky arms, overflowing with books. The man's black skinny jeans framed his waist perfectly, his baggy jumper gave him a cozy appearance, and his brown fringe complimented his dark hazel eyes that sparkled in the light. Phil was practically drooling. "Uhm... Hello?" The man carefully interrupted Phil's staring. "A-ah! Oh! Heh, hey. Um. As I w-was saying- of course- uh need some help finding anything? Well not anything I mean like a book hopefully or something-" The man grinned, his dimple lighting up his face. "Nah, I'll be alright-" He glanced at Phil's full cart of books, " Would you like me to help you with those? I used to work at a library, I'm pretty okay with shelving." Phil looked at his cart frantically. It was a lot of books... "Uh, yeah. I think I could use some help," Phil attempted to break eye contact with no use whatsoever "Sweet. Oh, Dan by the way" Dan held out his hand. Phil took it in his and shook hands with him, resisting the urge to intertwine their fingers and never let go. This man is probably straight, Phil. Get it together. However, no matter how much Phil insisted Dan was straight, he couldn't help but notice the look in his eyes. That glittering look that gave off the idea he was soaking up his appearance like a lifesource, savouring it. Soon enough all the books were shelved. "Thank you for your help, Dan." Dan scanned his name tag "No problem... Phil." He rolled the word over, analyzing it. "Phil," He smirked, repeating the word like a toddler learning his first word. "Phil, it suits you." Phil turned away to go tend to his work, "Thank you, it was given to me." Dan giggled at his joke and saw Phil walking away. He had to think fast. Oomph!  Dan hurriedly wrapped his arms around Phil's waist, holding him tight. Phil was sure he was having a heart attack. "Phil, please stay to chat" Phil practically melted into Dan, leaning back, "Hmm... I guess I could take the day off. Coffee sound good?" Dan beamed, "Perfect." Phil spun around and kissed him quick. He then wrote his number on Dan's hand, "I'm going to go get Alexia to see if she can take over and then get ready," He shook his phone at Dan, "text when you're ready." With that he hustled out of the shop and Dan trailed behind smiling from ear to ear. Oh what a lovely day to be gay.

Dan and Phil Oneshots (Fluff)Where stories live. Discover now