Author's Note

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This could probably be considered a collection of one shots, but it is a collection of various pieces of writing that I've done to practice my writing skills, play around with a story idea, or just have a little bit of fun. I thought I'd share a few with you on occasion as I write them.

Most of them are based off of writing prompts, so I will include that prompt as the chapter photo if it applies.

Feel free to read these one shots in whatever order you'd like because they are all stand alone. Please be sure to leave comments to let me know which ones you like best and your ideas for what might happen next. And if you happen to read one that you just have to know what happens next, let me know! If one chapter gets a lot of votes, I may just finish the story.

Thanks for reading! I look forward to hearing what you have to say.

-- Meagan Nicole

All written works are copyright © 2017 Meagan Nicole. All Rights Reserved.

I do not own the rights to any of the photos.

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