Music Of Passion (BoyxBoy)

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*Note* This Story is a continuing of YaoiMinx's One-Shot, "Music Of Passion", The prolouge, (below) is the one shot that she wrote, not me! Please go fan her! Her writing Is fantastic! The copyright is both her and me, She owns the one-shot, the base/plot etc. of the story, while i just wrote it. Also, What you are reading (below) is not the full one-shot. It's cuts of before the s3x scene. Also, There will be Sex, Kissing, Smut in this story , if you do not like it, please leave now, Also boy on boy love to.  Now, onto more less serouis Matter's, Chapter one, Should be up, later today (April 10/12) or tomrrow (April, 11/12).

Thank you :D Enjoy!

Music Of Passion:


They weren’t exactly ‘friends’. They barely had much to do with each other while on the world wide musical tour to raise awareness for Children with Cancer. Sure, they were on tour together, but they had very little to do with each other.

Somehow, though, their managers thought it would be great for them to compose a song together. Both of them being famous in their own right, it was genius. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t going to be difficult. They had two different methods of playing music. Jacory was all hard-core rock band; loud music, incomprehensible words being screamed into a mic as instruments were amplified by large sound systems.

Chris was an acoustic artist. He didn’t like the use of amplifiers. He preferred sitting on a stool, guitar in hand with a microphone close by. And that was it. His music was mellow, pure, while Jacory’s music was in your face. Just like the lead singer himself.

They’re personalities were as different as they’re music. Again, like the music he played, Jacory loud, crazy and a somewhat outgoing. At six foot tall, lanky with bottled black hair, piercings of his bottom lip, eyebrow and ear, covered in tattoos, he looked the part.

Chris, well, he was quiet and people would use the word sweet to describe him. He was a foot or so shorter than Jacory, skinny (but not sickly so) with light brown hair and green eyes.

They had barely spoke two words to each other since the tour began four months ago. But all that changed one day. It started with a deranged fan who wanted to have Chris’s love child. She was delirious and dangerous. How she managed to get past security, Chris didn’t know, but he did know that she was dangerous. She didn’t like the word no, apparently.

Thankfully, though, that was when Jacory stepped in. As a rockstar, he was used to overzealous groupies throwing themselves at him, so he was able to get rid of her fairly easily. But it was what he said to her that made Chris flush. Jacory slipped an arm around his neck and pulled him against his side, pressing his prickly chin against his temple.

“Back off, sweetheart. He’s mine.”

And then he kissed him. Afterwards, he said it was a form of payment for his services.

So, after that, their relationship became quite complicated. Jacory was used to no-strings flings, while Chris wasn’t like that. He didn’t freely give himself out to anyone.

( Chapter one, comeing soon, Rest of one-shot is with the author. You do not need to read the one-shot to understand the next chapter, but it would make a little bit more sense)


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