My walls

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You're the reason I can't trust
You made me build me walls so high
I can't let anyone in
Afraid of how they'll leave
They all leave
They never stay
I'd be amazed if someone wanted to stay with me
I don't trust
I don't love
I can't trust
I can't love

Now there's a new guy
One I like
I'm afraid
How could he like me
I'm broken
Sheltered in my walls
I can't trust
I can't love
But I want to

I think...
I think I love him
I let him in
I trust him
I do
I do love him
I hope he will stay with me

But then it all comes crashing down
He came back
And my castle has started crumbling
I can't stop it
It's all happening so fast
It's coming back
Just like last time
It's all coming down

And now
I just sit here
And rebuild my walls
Higher and higher
Taller than any ladder
Nobody will get in
Not again
Never again

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