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...hi Hazza...

..well i know..

I made faults..

Many faults..

but...i love you harry...

More than anything...


And i still remember how we kissed in the moonlight.

I still remember the night you proposed to me hazza...

i still remember how we broke Zayns table,how we met in the toilets of xfactor..

I still remember every single time we kissed,we laughed.

But otherwise i remember every time i needed to deny our love,our beautiful love.

The times we needed to tell that we're just friends,the times a had to say i love Eleanor.

The times we got judged,the times our loves,our family and friends had to lie for us.

I remember everything Harry.

Because it means so much to me.Nobody could ever understand.Only we two.

Every second we shared will always be in my mind.And so will you.

I know,i cant return the tape.I cant just turn back to the moment we met and change everything,take your hand and run away.

I know i was so unbelievable coward.I know I promised I'd tell everyone the thruth.I know Hazza,I know.But it's too late now.

I cant take your hand anymore.Never.

You wont even be able to read this,Harry.Never.

Because,you werent able to stand it.Not at all.And Im sorry i couldnt help you.

Im sorry i let you go.

Im sorry Harry.

But I promised I will always follow you.I will follow you into the dark.I will follow you into the light.

See you soon,your Louxxx


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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