Death is Inevitable

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Death is Inevitable, you can only climb what's there

To find an easy way in and out is something truly rare

So count your blessings, even if you can only count so high

Because life is shorter than number you could try

Death is Inevitable, but don't count the second fast

A clock can only tick so much, one day will be the last

So live today like an almost and tomorrow like a dream

Because one day will be your last, as far as it may seem

Death is Inevitable, you can't hide from this fate

So stop trying to run from this fast approaching date

Like a book overdue or kingdom overthrown

Closing your eyes to never open, surely you have known

Death is Inevitable, but please don't live in fear

Find adventure, find strength, and find something to hold dear

Live this life as your own, with bravery in your veins

And when the time comes, you'll break off your chains

And when the time comes, you'll break off your chains

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