A Modern Fairy Tale

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"Daniel, that's the fourth girl today" his mother said to him, looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Mum, I just don't like any of these girls" he replied, playing with one of the buttons on his plaid red shirt.

"Hopefully the next girl will be more your taste." she said and walked out.

Dan was the victim of an arranged marriage that his mother had insisted on when he was born into such a rich family; they had servants, a huge house, and enough money to buy everything they could ever want and still have enough money to donate to 4 different charities.

Since everything was done the old fashioned way and Dan was the first-born son, he's a big deal to all of his family; being married wasn't even a choice when he turned 21.

They had an extravagant kitchen and an even bigger parlor that parties were thrown in; on the night that Dan would propose to the girl he chose, there would be a big party in celebration when she said 'yes'. 'No' wasn't even a question, every girl loved Dan.

He sat on his bed with crossed legs as he tossed a rubber band ball from hand to hand and talked one of the servants that cleaned his room:

"You have permission to speak freely" Dan rolled his eyes and continued, "Do you ever think I'll find a girl?"

Tamara looked up from her work, "Of course, Mister. Ain't even a question."

"You can just call me Dan."

"If you says so."

"What if I don't?" he squeaked.

"Now, I ain't suppose' to tell you this." she said, lowering her voice, "but you can be with someone besides a lady."

Dan raised a thin, brown, eyebrows, "What?"

"Plenty of mens are getting married now, no lady needed." she smiled

Dan thought of the idea as interesting, he was born into a very Christian family that thought being gay was wrong.

"Isn't that wrong?" he urged.

"Just became legal here, but it wadn't wrong before." she said, feeling smarter than Dan for once.

Dan felt like a little kid, asking all the questions about things his mother didn't find important when getting a private tutor for Dan. 'Don't worry about the peculiar things,' his mother would say to the tutor during life lessons, 'He doesn't need to know about that.'

Dan got up from his bed and immediately went to the skinny 6'3" he was. He wrapped his arms around Tamara who was a tiny 5'3" and almost lifted her up. She let out a small laugh,

"Ooh, Mister, you so tall!" she squealed and he put her down.

"I don't want to be late." he said and Tamara told him not to tell anybody what she had said.

Dan sat in the big living room, fondling his thumbs and fixed his side-swept fringe to look neater. Bookshelves covered every wall and they were the same wood as the flooring which was mostly covered by blue couch in the center with a fireplace in front. Dan knew the routine: he would sit on the couch with the girl and talk to them for however long he wanted to, but no girl lasted longer than 10 minutes.

After 4 minutes of fondling his fingers a girl walked in and sat across from Henry on the floor. Her green sundress laid out around her, like a perfect circle drawn with chalk. She had long, curly hair that was blonde and eyes that were the color of dark coffee.

"Hi" she said, not matching the nervous yet excited tone of every other girl who had met Dan.

"Hi." he replied, trying to see what was different about the girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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