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"Scoot over" my best friend Mayzie said as I slid across the bench. She sat down next to me and handed me a water bottle. I took it and started to gulp water like I was a fish out of water. Today was the first day of tryouts for soccer and it was oddly very hot out. Mayzie and I were both seniors in college and we had been the top two players on the team for the past 3 years. Mayzie was captain of the team and I was co-captain. We were famous around the school because of how good we were and we were one of the reasons our team had made it to championships these past 3 years and have came out on top. We were respected by our professors and admired by younger football (soccer) players. Mayzie and I have been best friends since the 4th grade and we're both pursuing a career in Archaeology. We were alike in a lot of ways but.. our height made us different, I was 5'0 and Mayzie was 5'6. I was the little one on our team, even though I was still a captain, I couldn't escape short jokes. Mayz and I weren't at tryouts to tryout, coach had already said we were on the team for obvious reasons. We were there to see the incoming girls. There were a few good ones, some of our returnees had came and talked to us and we met two freshmen who seemed to be a little over nervous but we assured them that they'll do fine. Coach had already watched 48 out of the 56 girls trying out in pairs. It had been a long day but tomorrow we would have our team and we'd start real practice in a month. Mayzie looked at me and said "Are you excited for the trip?" I smiled and said "Of course, hopefully we get to meet Cristiano or Sergio" and we both started laughing. Mayzie and I were going to Madrid, Spain this weekend to go to a Real Madrid game. Today was Thursday and we weren't leaving until Saturday. The school actually funded our trip in thanks of the championship wins. They got us amazing seats and we were staying in an amazingly fancy hotel. We weren't guaranteed to meet any of the players but one can hope.

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