chapter 1

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One day at Hogwarts Harry, Ron, Hermine were on there way to be sorted into there houses. Then Draco Malfoy  walked up to Harry and said," Hi Harry it's nice to meet you and i was hoping to be friends." Harry stood there for a moment and then he said," sure i would love to be your friends with you." but what Draco didn't know is that Harry liked him. so they went to the great hall. Then Professor Dumbledore said," Welcome first years today you placed in houses and theses houses are called Griffindor, Hufflpuff, Slythern, Revenclaw so enjoy your time at Hogwarts.

Then Dumbledore called Harry Potter Then the hat say " this is hard. where do i put you. Oh i know Slytherin." then he calls Draco Malfoy " Slytherin. " Then ate there food and went to rooms and the next thing they know they kissing and Draco asked "Harry will you be my boyfriend." And Harry just ran to the bathroom. He said " give me minute let me think." And Draco sits by the door waiting for him to come out and then he finally does and sit next to Draco and says " yes I will be your boyfriend and I am sorry for running off I just never liked anyone before." Then Draco leans in and kisses him with so much passion and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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