The Sun

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Lethal, hot, unending burning.
It has been an eternity and I am so tired. The rays of my light dance across the horizon as I set once again, giving the small world to an unending darkness. I close my eyes, as I do every night, too cowardly to watch what I have caused. And I wonder if they think I forsake them, those figures so far below. But the temptation to open my eyes tugs, and pulls and drags at me. But I won't. Because I never have. Not in the eternity that spreads behind me or the eternity to come. Always too afraid to see what I do, to see that pitch black I'm sure must come. But maybe I should see, just once, what becomes of those figures in that darkness. And that tickling temptation tugs at me again. And I give in. And I open my eyes. And a purple sky so beautiful that it gives this eternity a purpose spreads before me, like it was meant for only my view. But I still fall. Only a few more minutes now, until I plunge into that familiar abyss that binds my light, and my glow and my essence. It fills my insides smothering me, snuffing me out like a candle. The pain is unending, and every night I scream and scream, wishing that maybe someone would hear me and save me from the gloom. Only a few seconds now. I prepare myself, this purple sky turning to black.

And I take a deep breath.

But then I see her, beautiful and shimmering, on the opposite horizon. And elegant, flawless silver makes every surface glow; every tree and twig and leaf illuminated by her glory. Every glistening sea and roaring river and babbling brook dancing, like they are finally free of my blinding glower of light. And she rises, in all her glory, taking deep, hollow breaths, like she too endures the pain of whatever festers below. And she looks at me. And she smiles. And it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Not paralleled by the shimmering, silver light, or the water dancing so elegantly under it, or the purple sky which I was so sure was the definition of beauty. But those seconds ago, I hadn't seen that smile. And it made me burn brighter and hotter than ever before. And it was like we had both been waiting for this moment for a thousand years, waiting for me to just to open my eyes for these last few seconds, just to see her. And I do see her. In all her magnificent, humbling glory. And so I die, as I would a thousand times, so she can soar into the sky and play amongst the stars, so she can breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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