my nightmare

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hope you enjoy , on with the story !

The dream was ghastly. It started in that strange, hazy way that dreams sometimes did. I remembered walking along, glancing at windows sometimes and talking to people. I stared them right in the face... the face was closer than usual, and the voice was louder, and yet quieter. I felt nothing; these were people I'd known all my life................................

I was walking through a stone cave with carvings until she met a giant cage. It was like a play area made out of bamboo. There were ladders and slides and ropes... but the ladders led up to cages with adults inside...  I tried to climb the ladder. Then just as I reached the top, I was at the bottom climbing again. It was like replaying a sequence in a film over and over again...

I crawled up a bamboo stick and sat at an auditorium... in front of me were frolicking lions, similar to a cartoon I'd seen once... a rug swung on strings back and forth in front of me...

Then I was out in the road, watching a truck pull up in front of me. The whole front of the truck came off, revealing... oh, it was awful. It was a man once. She saw ribs clotted with blood and sticky muscle... broken bones and yellow oozing stuff. The face had been blasted open. One eye remained, staring at my shoes. I remembered trying to vomit but only wailing. Then the driver got out... it was one of the people I'd met already, the kind blonde haired face... he opened the door of a house and a horrible old lady sprung out... her face was yellow and she had sharp teeth and wide, too-happy eyes. Her nightie was covered in blood and gore that made me wail again. The old lady approached the body and ate with relish, until the driver beat her away with a bit white stick...

I was behind the wheel of a car, learning to drive... her familiar faced dream parents shouted at me as I turned the wheel too far and crashed into a truck. Then it happened again. And again. And again. No matter how I tried to turn the wheel it happened again, exactly the same way...

I saw a tiny girl lying on her back on the sofa... her scarred arms and wrecked face. She was small and helpless. Her mother stood over her, her hands pointing the wrong way as she leant over the sofa. She was staring at the tiny girl's bleeding feet. The girl watched this with a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach... then the scene changed and she watched ghosts press their hands against a window from the outside. The tiny girl was asking to go to school, and the mother explained that she couldn't go to school because... because... the mother cried and wailed and rocked, clutching the tiny feet in front of her... I heard cracking noises and screamed...

hope you liked it!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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