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A sea of black clothing waited in the distance. People. People who want to remember. Remember her life and remember her death. I wanted to remember her for who she was, my twin. My bubbly twin who would wake me up at 1am for a midnight snack and who would wipe my tears from my cheeks when I was sad. She was gone and all these peoples smiles and sorrow would not change that. I had lost a part of me.
I sat silent in the church and only turned around as the doors opened to allow the coffin through. The funeral was a blur of empty words and sadness. My mum wept as my dad held her hand in support. Then it was my turn to speak. Slowly I stood and walked to the front of the church. I felt dizzy as all the people looked on with sympathy.
"My sister.. was more than my sister.." My voice started to crack, " She was my best friend and my role model.. as the older twin.." I stopped. I couldn't do this..
Tears started falling quicker than I could wipe them away.
"I'm sorry" I whispered to the coffin beside me. I stepped down from where I stood and then I ran. Through the doors and down the hill into the woods. The trees are tall and tower over me giving comfort. Finally I was home.. our treehouse. On the tree was the words..
'Charlie and Ella's Tree house (Twinnies for life!)'

Now alone I could try the tears that I had hidden away for so long. I searched through my bag for my phone and scrolled through the photos of me and her. One with milkshake over our faces and where we lay in the meadow beside our house looking up at the clouds. I smiled between the tears as I remembered the times we shared and the memories we had created throughout our lives. My ears became alert as I heard foot steps approach and I noticed him in an instant.

Letters To HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now