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One day there was a Weasel his name was Weasel he had been on the loo for hours now.

He started to fall asleep and as he drifted into peaceful slumber he fell of the lavatory seat!!! The room swam before Hus eyes as he saw two of the most cute creatures in existence!! A fluffy cat and a panda (obviously they were in tuxedos they wouldn't be villains if they weren't) he leant closer as the last droplet of poo squelched from his butt cheeks splating on the floor and splashing up his legs! Weasel didn't care because what they were saying had caught his attention... "we have Honey-G what should we do now" said the cat

" we wait for weasel..." The panda exclaimed

" not Honey-G my one true love!!!" Weasel cried," I must save her!!!"

So weasel in his brand new Birth suite he set of to find Honey-G...

Weasel and The Toilet PlopWhere stories live. Discover now